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作者的建议有很大的前景!The author is very foresighted in his suggestions!

我必须十分的细心和有预见性。As a SD coordinator, I have to be very detail and foresighted.

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但是航空公司则持不同看法,他们认为这是一种深谋远虑的布局。But airline holds different view, they think this is a kind of foresighted layout.

中国的一个子女政策似乎是很严厉的,但也是必需的,并且是有先见之明的提议。China's one child policy seems draconian but it was a necessary and foresighted move.

一些有远见的中国企业家已开始关注和运用CIS即现代企业形象战略。Some of the Chinese foresighted enterprisers begin to care and use the strategy of CIS.

本公司作为罗斯托克港的水陆及码头的资产产权人,主要负责罗斯托克港基础设施的扩建及维修。The company is focused on the foresighted development of the port infrastructure as well as its maintenance.

论文最后得出济慈是一位独特而又超前的浪漫主义诗人的结论。Finally, this dissertation comes to the conclusion that Keats is a unique and foresighted poet of Romanticism.

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贾庆林说,中国在其报告中指出,必须致力于使宏观调控更为“科学和前瞻性的”。Jia said in his report that China must focus on making macro-economic controls more "scientific and foresighted".

控制使我们所有人那么紧密联系起来的国际体系的政策需要有更敏锐的先见之明。The policies governing the international systems that link us all so closely together need to be more foresighted.

提出一些前瞻性的设想和建议,对当前种植和开展油茶的综合利用有指导意义。Several foresighted assumptive ideas and proposals to plant and utilize each variety of camellia oleifera are put forward.

跟这些优秀创业者站在一起,帮助、并推动他们成长的,则是目光独具的投资机构和中小企业的发展伙伴。They have worked shoulder to shoulder with foresighted investment institutions and business partners for the growth of china's SMEs.

加强党的执政能力建设,是一项深谋远虑的历史决策,是一项重大而紧迫的战略任务。Strengthen a party be in office ability construction, it is a foresighted history decision-making, it is a great and urgent strategy task.

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这一成就的取得是中国领导人高瞻远瞩的决策和中国人民奋发努力的结果。This is the result of the foresighted decision-making in the Chinese leadership combined with the incessant strive and struggle of Chinese people.

对138例留置导尿患者进行了预见性护理,效果良好,有效的减少了并发症的发生。We have carried on foresighted nursing to 138 example catheterization patient, the effect is good, effectively reduce the incidence of complications.

希望通过本模型的构建能为其准确识别有效的培训需求,从而使培训活动具有针对性和前瞻性。We hope it is helpful for identifying effective training needs through constructing this model so as to make the training activities focused and foresighted.

支持本计划,不但等于支持一群有先见之明的孩子,更可保育我们的海洋环境的质素。By supporting this project, not only are you supporting a generation of foresighted children, but also the conservation of the quality of our ocean environment.

生态城市概念性规划做出的城市远景发展方向和发展战略具有前瞻性,可以指导城市的总体规划,是城市可持续规划的新模式。A foresighted city development strategy made out by ecocity conceptual planning, and can guide urban master planning is a new model of sustainable city planning.

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印度优势体现在经济发展环境、前瞻性战略、地缘政治等方面。India indeed has some obvious advantages in several fields, as the environment of economical development, the foresighted strategy, and the geographical politics.

二十年前,正是因为有了这样一些深谋远略的团的老领导,有了这样一批有胆有识的年轻人才有了今天的城市酒店,才有了城市酒店的今天。Twenty years ago, some foresighted leaders and a group of knowledgable young people created today's City Hotel. They laid the foundation for the prosperity of City Hotel.

总结了20世纪奥林匹克改革经验,并对21世纪奥林匹克运动的改革进行了前瞻性的探讨。The authors summarized the experiences of the reform of Olympics in the 20th century, and probed into the reform of Olympics in the 21st century in a historical and foresighted way.