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智慧之神化身的猫头鹰是否真的只在黄昏翱翔?Does the owl of Minerva really fly only at dusk?

在朱诺、密涅瓦和维纳斯之间怎样才能做出选择呢?How could one choose among Juno, Minerva and Venus?

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朱诺和弥涅耳瓦非常生气并威胁他。Juno and Minerva were very angry and threatened him.

他们如此一番祈祷,帕拉丝,雅典娜听到了他俩的声音。Thus they prayed, and Pallas Minerva heard their prayer.

因为密涅瓦帮助她,给了她勇气和洞察力。For her Minerva aided and endowed with courage and discernment.

画的是密涅瓦封忒勒玛科斯为骑士。The subject is Telemachus being knighted by Minerva in some gardens.

我记得今天夜里不该是你在走廊里巡逻,米勒娃。I did not know that it was your night to patrol the corridors, Minerva.

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你看见哈利·波特了吗,米勒娃?如果你看见了,我必须强调。Have you seen Harry Potter, Minerva? Because if you have, I must insist.

猛犸温泉区还有另一个叫米娜娃露台温泉。Within Mammoth Springs there is another spring known as the Minerva Terrace.

这可难了。在朱诺、密涅瓦和维纳斯之间怎样才能做出选择呢?It was not an easy decision to make . How could one choose among Juno, Minerva and Venus?

2008年她从加利福尼亚州的第一夫人手里接过了授予杰出女性的密涅瓦奖。In 2008, she received the Minerva Award for remarkable women from California's first lady.

密涅瓦只比我大一点点,可她已经有两个孩子和一个出走的丈夫。Minerva is only a little bit older than me but already she has two kids and a husband who left.

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这种看跌的预测看起来有点古怪,但是和卡桑德拉不同的是,Minerva有不少信徒。Such a bearish prospect may appear outlandish but, unlike Cassandra, Minerva has many believers.

雅典娜不懂他们为甚麽宁愿选这些不结果实的树,便询问他们选择的原因。Minerva , wondering why they had preferred trees not yielding fruit, inquired the reason for their choice.

珀尔修斯终于有了这套装备,再加上密涅瓦的神盾和墨丘利的匕首,她便飞速前往女妖的住所。With this outfit, to which Minerva added her shield and Mercury his knife, Perseus sped to the hall of the Gorgons.

原先被设定在小行星表面跳跃前进的只有罐头大小的密涅瓦机器人迄今为止并没有像所希望的那样正常工作。A can-sized robot MINERVA that was scheduled to hop around the asteroid's surface has not, so far, functioned as hoped.

米勒娃很快就成了同级中最出色的学生,她尤其擅长变形术。Minerva was quickly recognised as the most outstanding student of her year, with a particular talent for Transfiguration.

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“让密涅瓦来与我比试一下吧,”她说道,“如果我输了,甘愿受罚。”密涅瓦听到这个消息后很不高兴。"Let Minerva try her skill with mine, " said she, "if beaten, I will pay the penalty. " Minerva heard this and was displeased.

福州鑫联和贸易有限公司,作为一家鞋帽,包袋产品的专业出口商,有多年的进出口贸易经验并与本省众多的厂商有着密切的联系。Fuzhou Minerva Union Trading Co. Ltd. , as an exporter of Footwear, Headgear and Bags having considerable amount of experience in foreign trade.

爱马仕、波塞冬、火神、自由、谷神星和密涅瓦是为了分别代表商业、海洋、机械、战争、农业和智慧。Hermes, Poseidon, Vulcan, Freedom, Ceres and Minerva are meant to respectively represent commerce, marine, mechanics, war, agriculture and wisdom.