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Esquire可缩写成Esq.。Esquire can be abbreviated to Esq.

因为下雨,仪式从简。The ceremony was abbreviated by rain.

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“联合国”被缩写成UN两个字母。"Unite Nations" is abbreviated as UN.

小学生还是读该书的节本好。Pupils had better read its abbreviated version.

设置ATL对话框对象的缩写名称。Sets the abbreviated name for the ATL dialog object.

但她认为那是“爱”的缩写。But Lista always thought that abbreviated for "Love".

介词在词典中略作。Preposition is abbreviated as prep. in this dictionary.

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他的书被减缩刊出在一本公众的杂志上。His book was abbreviated and appeared in a public magazine.

他的文章缩写词使用太多,令人费解。He abbreviated so much that it was hard to understand his article.

这通常被称为“数字出家庭”或DOOH缩写。This is often called "digital out of home" or abbreviated as DOOH.

因此,服务规范具有标识符,在该图中缩写为“Nx.y”。As such, it has an identifier, abbreviated as “Nx.y” in the figure.

其特点是受外来词影响而产生,大都经过缩略过程。They are all influenced by loanwords and most of them are abbreviated.

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这本书是常被缩写名称“爱丽丝梦游仙境。Thee book is often referred to by the abbreviated title Alice in Wonderland.

客户类型和销售渠道字段都存储为缩写代码。The customer type and the sales channels fields both store abbreviated codes.

导演请他朋友们看的是这部电影他删节后的简缩版。The director abbreviated the film to let his friends see the shortened version.

由以前磁场中的岩石保留下来的磁性,简写为NRM。The magnetization retained by rocks from previous magnetic fields, abbreviated NRM.

在复仇者机场训练基地,黄蜂大队最后一批学员也已了解到,她们余下的课程将不再继续下去了。At Avenger Field, the final WASP class learned that its training would be abbreviated.

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山西曾归属于春秋战国时期的晋国,也因此简称为晋。Shanxi belonged to Jin State in Spring and Autumn Period, so it is abbreviated in Jin.

贷方,一般缩写成CR,意为支出的金额,或者,按照字面意思解释是他的存款。Credit, usually abbreviated CR, meant value expenditure with or literally his deposition.

流感病毒是根据病毒表面两种主要蛋白质来命名的,分别缩写为H和N。Flu viruses are named after the two main proteins on their surfaces, abbreviated H and N.