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结论扶济复对治疗急性放射性口腔炎有明显疗效。CONCLUSION rhbFGF is effective in treatment of radiation stomatitis.

怎样最有效地治疗复发性口腔溃疡?What Offers the Most Effective Relief for Severe Aphthous Stomatitis ?

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现临床上用于治疗肝炎、口腔炎等,效果较好。Now it is preferably used for the treatment of hepatitis and stomatitis in clinic.

本文采用锌盐新剂型——葡萄糖酸锌治疗复发性阿弗它口炎。The new type of zinc salt---zinc gluconate was used to treat patients with recurrent aphthous stomatitis.

您的宠物医生会为您的宠物评估牙齿结石和牙斑,口腔病变迹象,牙龈炎或口腔炎病变程度。Your veterinarian will look for plaque and calculus, oral lesions, and signs of gingivitis or stomatitis.

本文就国内外近年来水泡性口炎病毒的鉴别诊断技术进行了概述。The diagnosis and detection methods for Vesicular Stomatitis Virus in recent years are generally reviewed.

结论康复新液局部治疗婴幼儿疱疹性龈口炎安全、有效。ConclusionKangfuxin solution is safe and effective on the local treatment for infantile herpetic stomatitis.

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汞危害的症状体征,以神经精神症状和口腔炎、齿龈炎为主。The symptoms and signs were mainly those of the nerve system and were expressed as gingivitis or stomatitis.

很多研究显示,白色假丝酵母菌和义齿性口炎发病有密切联系。Studies have showed that there is a close relationship between Saccharomyces albicans and denture stomatitis.

目的探讨自制溃疡散含漱液治疗头颈部肿瘤患者放射性口腔炎的效果。Objective To explore the effect of Self-formulated Ulcer Powder mouthwash on radiation stomatitis among patients with cervical tumors.

不只与一种微生物有关,坏死口腔炎会使感染变得很复杂,急性或慢性肺炎可能已经感染。More than one organism could be involved, necrotic stomatitis could be complicating the infection, acute or chronic pneumonia could be setting in.

目的探讨化疗所致口腔黏膜炎的相关因素,为制订预防口腔黏膜炎的护理干预措施提供参考。Objective To investigate the related factors for chemotherapy-induced stomatitis and provide the theoretical evidence for nursing care intervention.

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过多的分泌物也同时助长了其他有害细菌的滋长,甚至是龟龟面对“坏死性口炎”的威胁。The presence of excess mucus also encourages bacterial growth, and hence places the tortoise in additional danger from diseases such as necrotic stomatitis.

本文从病原及其分子生物学特点、分布与生态学以及致病机理三个方面对水泡性口炎的研究进展进行综述。This article sums up the research progress of vesicular stomatitis from pathogen and its molecular biology features, distribution, ecology and disease mechanism.

作者对临床上常见的复发性口腔粘膜溃疡应用湿润烧伤膏治疗后,取得满意疗效的治疗方法作了介绍,还对该法治疗的原理作了初步分析。The authors used MEBO for treating recurrent ulcerative stomatitis. The results were satisfactory. In this paper, an analysis of the efficacy of MEBO treatment is presented.

结果纯钛支架义齿比钴铬合金支架义齿就位顺利、调改少、患者满意度高,并且义齿性口炎的发生率低。Compare the differences of the try-in, adjustment, denture stomatitis and patient's satisfaction between the pure titanium frame removable dentures and Co-Cr alloy frame removable dentures.