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也参加过由耶鲁组织去那儿的旅游I did a Yale trip there.

每个人都能来耶鲁就读吗?Can anyone get into Yale?

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耶尔看了看他的笔记本。Yale glanced at his notes.

年从耶鲁大学毕业。He graduated from Yale i 1915.

耶鲁基金是什么What is the endowment of Yale?

耶鲁的捐赠基金是什么?What is the endowment of Yale?

他1915年从耶鲁大学毕业。He graduated from Yale in 1915.

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999年我回到耶鲁。But then I came to Yale in 1999.

他是耶鲁大学的高年级学生He was a Junior at Yale College.

耶鲁大学的学生很恶毒Yes sir. Yale students are evil.

耶鲁认为令人满意就是。C Yale says satisfactory means C.

我在耶鲁大学读书时,常叁加赛跑。I used to run when I was at Yale.

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有没有来自耶鲁大学的有名人士?Is there any celebrity from Yale?

歌词乃以耶鲁拼音标注。The lyrics are romanized by Yale.

我被耶鲁大学录取了!I was accepted by Yale University!

这所叫耶鲁的学校。That was the so-called Yale school.

歌词以耶鲁拼音标注。The lyrics are romanized with Yale.

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你是耶鲁学生,你是年轻人。You're Yale students. You're young.

粤语部份以耶鲁系统拼音。Cantonese part is romanized by Yale.

耶尔迅速而机警地看了他一眼。Yale shot him a quick, shrewd glance.