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一件非常引人深思的事。A very sobering thought.

这种不一致发人省思。This discrepancy should be sobering.

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枪沉甸甸,冷冰冰的,让人警醒。The gun was heavy, cold and very sobering.

你的批评对我是一服很好的清凉剂。Your criticism had a sobering effect on me.

正如森德伯格所指出的,评估结果令人清醒。And as Sundberg points out, the results are sobering.

这是作为父母,最发人深省的真理之一。This is one of the most sobering truths about being a parent.

我们期待这周末能有一份冷静的工作报告。We're expecting a sobering job report at the end of the week.

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总的来看,全球范围的治理发展趋势令人清醒。Overall, it paints a sobering picture of global trends in governance.

但是一些对面临的技术挑战的评估令人清醒。But some assessments of the technological challenge ahead are sobering.

但是报业的关门潮和减员潮使得人们清醒了。But the wave of closures and lay-offs throughout the industry was sobering.

这个重大的新闻被今年收入改进后的预期所平衡。That sobering news was balanced by improved expectations for earnings this year.

在全国各地的国家公园里,气候变化的巨大影响是发人深省的。In national parks across the country, the impacts of climate change are sobering.

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医生的严重警告和发人深省的家族史引起了玛丽的警惕。A dire warning from her doctor and a sobering family history got Mary's attention.

这些抽烟如何损坏肺部警醒的照片应该能够激发隐君子们戒烟。The sobering photos of how smoking damages people's lungs should motivate smokers to quit.

对有钱人的一项新的消费者调查得出了一些令人清醒的数据。There were some sobering stats out this morning from a new consumer survey of the affluent.

分析家说,石油生产的现实,可能要多很多发人深省比Tarhouni建议。The reality for oil production, say analysts, might be a lot more sobering than Tarhouni suggests.

读着艾米丽的点点滴滴,与她对儿子罗南的无私奉献,我的脑子变清明了,甚至出人意料地振奋起来。Reading of her experience and devotion to her son, Ronan, has been sobering but surprisingly uplifting.

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以前种种尝试的证据使得那些RTC二代的支持者变得清醒些了.一些机构运作地是很不错。The evidence from these attempts is sobering forproponents of an RTC II. Some institutions worked well.

我们是世界上首批亲眼目睹了大脑是如何失去意识的人,这一点光是想想就让人觉得不能等闲视之。We're the first people in the world ever to see the brain becoming unconscious, that's quite a sobering thought.

圣经记载一件令人深省的事﹕两位祭司不理上帝的敬拜准则,擅自立新的规矩献祭。There is recorded a sobering story of two priests who disregarded regulative worship by introducing their own ideas.