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枫红,晕染了湖水。Red Maple Lake, halo.

一轮满月升了起来,周围带着光晕。The moon’s up, full, with halo.

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幻月,假月月晕上的光斑。A luminous spot on a lunar halo.

头顶上街灯的光晕将我笼罩。Neath the halo of a street lamp.

但是我也觉得这是个光环效应。But I also think there is a halo effect.

日晕三更雨,月晕午时风。Halo around the sun or moon , rain or snowsoon.

射流晕是一种地球化学次生晕。Jet halo is a kind of geochemical secondary halo.

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夜晚有时也能看见类似的月晕。A similar Moon Halo may be visible during the night.

它的外围被扩展分布的暗物质环所围绕。It is surrounded by an extended halo of dark matter.

大家去了教室,我突然又晕晕的,不得了的晕。We went to the classroom, I suddenly dizzy, no halo.

结果是明亮物体周围有一圈光晕。This results in a colored halo around bright objects.

餐桌上洋溢着我们的成功感。A sense of achievement hovered above our table like a halo.

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进而建立了该矿床的原生晕叠加模型。Finally establishing the model of primary superimposed halo.

在埃及,科学被一个严肃性的严格光环包围着。There is a strict halo of seriousness around science in Egypt.

而这光晕比银河系本身还要广袤、古老。The halo is much larger and much older than the Milky Way itself.

我认为这种光环效应从一种苹果产品过渡到另一种苹果产品。Think there is a halo effect from Apple product to Apple product.

一群蜜蜂绕着他那蓬乱的棕色卷发,好像天使的光环。Dozens of bees circled his tousled brown curls in an angle's halo.

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这将是所有光环之中最美丽的共生环。It will be the most beautiful symbiotic halo ever to halo things.

周围有一束灿烂的光,一圈圈柔和的圆晕。Surrounded by a bunch of bright light, a gentle circle round halo.

终于存在经过前八记号的晕的产生一分为二。The at last is bisected by first eight mark of halo of generation.