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有,咸蛋就是咸的东西。Yes, salted eggs are salty.

鱼被切成块腌起来了。The fish are cut and salted.

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这汤还得加点盐。The soup needs to be salted.

把咸蛋黄对半切开。Cut salted egg yolks in halves.

鱼被切成块腌了起来。The fish are cut up and salted.

鱼被切成块腌起来。The fish are cut up and salted.

我买了一包咸花生米。I bought a bag of salted peanuts.

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我们用盐把肉腌了起来,以防腐臭。We salted the meat to preserve it.

杏仁是经过烤和腌制的。The almonds are roasted and salted.

我生长在这盐渍地上。Nothing grows in this salted ground.

就是咸牛油加焦糖了。Salted butter caramels with a twist.

鳕鱼已用盐腌起留着日后吃。The cod was salted away for future use.

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雪后的公路上都已撒了盐。The roads had been salted after snowed.

把加有咸盐的水在一个大锅中煮沸。Bring large pot of salted water to boil.

他挥挥手向朋友打招呼。He salted his friend with a wave of hand.

新鲜毛豆用盐水焯一下。For fresh ones, blanch using salted water.

请问是冬季长癣还是腌了?Is it a long winter of ringworm or salted?

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咸鱼在太阳下就要晒干了。The salted fish is frizzling up in the sun.

他的一言一语都富有个性。His every phrase is salted with personality.

用打蛋机将有盐牛油打至软身。Whisk salted butter with mixer until smooth.