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你一定会成为优秀的骑兵的。You will make a fine dragoon , young man.

这龙骑兵大个儿象婴儿似的毫无办法。The big dragoon was as helpless as a baby.

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正直的约翰和他的骑兵吗?When we saved Honest John and his dragoon ?

飞艇的骑兵已经更新到1.62版本。Airship Dragoon has been updated to version 1.62.

追踪者算是代替了龙骑士么?Yes, the Stalkers are worthy replacements of the Dragoon.

你也可以要求龙骑兵重点保护防守较弱的地区。And you can expect Dragoon to focus on poorly defended areas.

龙骑兵军官和福克发疯似地鼓掌。The dragoon officers and foker clapped their hands furiously.

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龙骑兵军官和福克发疯似地鼓掌。The dragoon officers and foker clapped their hands furiously.

一刹那间,那一千四百名龙骑卫队只剩下八百了,他们的大佐弗来也落马而死。In an instant the fourteen hundred dragoon guards numbered only eight hundred.

虽然巨龙后来被击败了,但是黑暗与光明的水晶却遗留了下来。Although Dragoon was defeated, the difference between Dark and Light crystals remained.

这其中包括大量来自原版SC的单位,比如神族的龙骑士。These will include various units from the original StarCraft, such as the Protoss Dragoon.

18岁的李·威廉是英国“沙漠之鼠”苏格兰皇家近卫团卫兵。Guardsman lee williams 18 is one of the desert rats'royal scots dragoon guards battle group.

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看起来整个对局中,龙骑士的玩家一直试图保持他们的龙骑士在奔跑状态。It looked like the Dragoon players were trying to keep their fleets of Dragoons in the game.

艾尔德利法的城市成为了那些想避免巨龙军队的攻击的人的庇护所。The city of Al-Drifa became an asylum for those who wanted to escape from Dragoon and his troops.

此外,威灵顿还有萨墨塞特的龙骑卫队,一千四百人马待在洼地里。Besides this, Wellington had, behind a rise in the ground, Somerset's Dragoon Guards, fourteen hundred horse strong.

“老爷,”跟班走进房间里来说,“内政部的一个龙骑兵送来了这封信。”"Sir" said the valet de chambre entering the room "a dragoon has brought this despatch from the minister of the interior. "

这就是巨龙为什么没有屠杀矮人的原因,但是却不能阻止矮人的地下抵抗运行。This is the only reason why dragoon did not slaughter the dwarves , but it did not stop them from performing underground resistance actions.

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谁能料到一个龙骑兵会喝六便士一瓶的啤酒,抽蹩脚得可怕的鸟眼牌烟草,会让他的妻子戴一顶破破烂烂的帽子啊?Who could have ever expected that a dragoon would drink sixpenny ale, smoke horrid bird's-eye tobacco, and let his wife wear a shabby bonnet?

皇家龙骑卫队的钢特上尉在1860年英法联军时,从颐和园带走了许多文物。Capt Gunter, of the Kings Dragoon Guards, seized a number of relics from the emperors' Summer Palace during the Anglo-French allied invasion in 1860.

政府甚至是想要禁止一些原材料出口,希望能够藉此迫使采矿公司建立熔炉,生产并出口更高价值的加工品。The government even wants to ban some raw-material exports, hoping to dragoon mining companies into building smelters and exporting higher-value goods.