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以脑力劳动或知识为基础的产业被称为第四产业。Industries based on brainwork or knowledge are called the quaternary industry.

中国女性,不管是从事体力工作还是脑力工作,都比美国女性辛劳。Chinese women are more hardworking than American women whether in manual work or brainwork.

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无论是体力还是脑力劳动,中国妇女比美国妇女能吃苦。Chinese women are more hardworking than American women whether in manual work or brainwork.

可是同志们,我可以告诉你们,现在所有的脑力工作得靠我们来做,和我们所需要的程度相比,这些东西并不见得舒服多少。But not more comfortable than we need, I can tell you, comrades, with all the brainwork we have to do nowadays.

人的劳动一般分为脑力劳动和体力劳动两种,而前者显得越来越重要。Commonly, human' s work is classified into two types, including brainwork and physical force, and that the former looks more and mere important.

提高知识作业、脑力劳动的效率是“21世纪管理的首要任务”,但其研究“才刚刚开始”。Improving the efficiency of knowledge work and brainwork is the chief management mission in the 21th century, but the research about it just begin.

而在城市里,没有那么多重体力活,人们的工作主要是脑力劳动,这些工作女人同样能够胜任、因此男孩女孩都一样。But in city, the main labor for citizen is brainwork. Female has enough abilities to accomplish it. So there is no different between boys and girls.

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做手工和脑力劳动交替发展既可以帮助发展我们的大脑和双手。Doing handwork and brain work alternatively can help develop both our brain and hands. Secondly, we should avoid doing brainwork for long hours on end.

中年、在职脑力劳动、中等文化水平和初发的患者焦虑评分及患病率升高更加明显。Middle-aged individuals who′re brainwork in-service, moderated education, poor blood glucose control and chronic complications are prone to be anxious.

基于脑力劳动或知识发展的产业就称为第四代产业,文化产业这一概念也因此出现并逐渐成熟。Industries based on brainwork or knowledge are called the quaternary industry. And thus the concept of the cultural industry emerged and gradually matured.

目的了解办公室人员眼底动脉硬化情况,探讨脑力劳动对眼底动脉硬化是否有影响。Objective To find out the status of ocular fundus arteriosclerosis in office clerks and to investigate weather the brainwork has an effect on the development of arteriosclerosis.

另一方面,运动能够帮助人们在夜以继日的脑力劳动后振奋精神,更惊人的是,锻炼身体可以使我们的大脑更加积极和富有创意地工作。Sports also help to refresh people's mind from brainwork all day and night, and even more surprisingly, exercising can stimulate people's brains to work more actively and creatively.