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就是吉星的星体会带给你一些东西,但是随后会带走它们。A benefic gives you something and then takes it away.

我希望,会议能使各位从中获益。Therefore I hope that you can benefic from this meeting.

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事实上,他就会从一个明显的好战分子变得尽可能给你带来好处。Actually, he'll go from downright belligerent to being as benefic as can be.

可能有几个相互的连接、可以一个折磨的、一个有益的和一个混合的。There may be two or three mutual conjunctions one of which may be afflicted one benefic and one mixed.

任何黄道状态中庸的星体,其效用介于吉星与凶星之间。Any planet in mediocre zodiacal state hasan influence intermediate between that of a benefic and a malefic.

这样看来有了信用卡似乎就可以解决,因为不仅可以先消费后付款,还可以分期付款。It seems benefic to possess one credit card as it not only can consume first and pay later but pay installment.

个人理想所造成的幻觉和追求利益所造成的幻觉非常相近。It is very similar that the illusion, which is brought about separately the individual ideal and seeking benefic.

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这是一个非常强烈并且非常有益的视位置,因为金星掌管你的第七宫,第七宫事关约会、婚姻,和承诺。This is a strong and very benefic aspect, for Venus is the ruler of your seventh house of engagement, marriage, and commitment.

若是和火星有相位的是吉星,如上所说,可以获得好的收入和名声。If Benefic planets are in aspect to Mars in this location, considerable fame and income result from the occupations he has determined.

你还有件需要知道的事情,那就是吉星和凶星的概念,还有他们之间相互的联系。The other thing that you need to know is the concept of benefic and malefic planets, as well as the correlate concept of planetary sect.

对接头刚度影响因素进行分析,为接头构造的选择提供了依据。Finally, the thesis analyzes the factors affecting the stiffness of segment joint, which is benefic to select the details of segment joint.

对于合相,影响力的性质取决于其相关的行星的凶吉性以及黄道属性。In conjunctions, the quality of the effects depends on the benefic or malefic nature of the Planets concerned, as well as their Zodiacal state.

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因此在别人的失意、挫折、伤痛时,不宜幸灾乐祸,应关怀、了解,要有宽容的心。In this case, as to their setback and ache, we had better care for and understand their moods with a benefic hear, but not crow over their frustration.

混合权利强调对个人利益、社会公共利益以及国家利益保护的平衡,其实质体现了国家公权力的干预。Mixed rights emphasize the balance in protecting private benefit, social public benefic and national benefit, which reveals the interference of national civic rights.

新型采煤法的实施有利于避免急斜近距煤层开采的相互影响,提高生产能力和采出率,形成规范的通风系统。The application of new mining method is benefic to avoiding mutual effect between steeply inclined near coal seams, improving production ability and recovery, forming canonical ventilation system.

本文介绍了刮板输送机自动力回煤装置解决问题的方法、具体研制方案、加工及安装使用后的技术经济效果。The paper introduced the coal reclaiming device with motility about its circulating method, concrete developing scheme, manufacture and assembly and the economic benefic achieved after employment.

介绍的新型筒仓粮食通风熏蒸减压多功能装置符合安全生产、质量第一的方针,能保持储粮品质和新鲜度,具有明显的经济效益和社会效益。Using this kind of ventilating equipment and fumigation system, the grain quality and freshness could be keep for a long time. The economic benefic and social benefic of the techmology are obvious.