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我要去排尿。I have to urinate.

我常常会有尿意。I feel like to urinate often.

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"尿到里面",她干巴巴地说。"Urinate into this," she said dryly.

是尿意把你唤醒的吗?Is it the urge to urinate that wakes you?

你小便时有过烧灼感吗?Have you had any burning when you urinate?

你可能还会感觉自己有经常想要小便。You may also feel constant need to urinate.

它们不吃不喝,也不拉不尿。They do not eat, drink, urinate or defecate.

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不断喝水直至排尿。You should keep drinking fluids until you urinate.

一股强烈的小便欲望会否影响你的驾驶能力?Can a strong urge to urinate impair your ability to drive?

如果排尿困难,你应该告知医生。The doctor should be notified if it is painful to urinate.

请勿尿出槽外,便后请冲水。Please urinate in the trough, please flush after defecating.

男孩刚开始也常常是学着坐着小便。Boys usually first learn to urinate by sitting on the toilet.

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他将自己变成小便藻类生物反应器,使它对养分。He will urinate into his algae bio-reactor, giving it vital nutrients.

然而,当她来之前,她可能有比较强烈的尿意。However, before she ejaculates, she may have a tingling urge to urinate.

喝得太多会导致晚上因为尿意而经常醒来。Drinking too many fluids at night can cause you to awaken frequently to urinate.

这些症状包括腹部不适,尿急尿频和骨盆疼痛。Those symptoms include abdominal discomfort, urgency to urinate and pelvic pain.

我频尿,可是每一次的尿量都很少。像是滴水一样。I urinate frequently, but very small amounts each time. It's like water dripping.

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佛教徒跪下来,心里暗自希望小狗不要在这个神圣的时刻撒尿。The Buddhist kneels and hopes that the dog will not urinate at this hallowed moment.

不过,它还将让您觉得膀胱充分和你会觉得有需要小解。However, it will also make your bladder feel full and you will feel the need to urinate.

有时这可以减轻病人排尿要求在热情盐水洗澡。Sometimes this can be ameliorated by asking the patient to urinate in a warm saline bath.