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格雷琴亲吻了她的女儿就离开了。Gretchen kisses the girl and leaves.

格雷琴。卢斯迪克喜欢做木偶。But Gretchen Lustig likes to make puppets.

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格雷琴还活着,被关押着。Gretchen is still alive but being held captive.

顺带一说格雷琴也蹲在班房里哦。Did I mention that Gretchen is also in the slammer?

格雷琴举枪进入PadMan的办公室。Gretchen walks into PadMan’s office, holding a gun.

格蕾琴费劲地嚼着那块带软骨的牛排。Gretchen chewed energetically on the gristled steak.

格雷琴没有赴约,她去丽塔家与赛尔夫会面。Gretchen has gone to meet with Self at Rita's house.

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格雷琴跑出了旅店,向林肯开枪。Gretchen runs out of the hotel and shoots at Lincoln.

然后他又威胁要西奥多帮他找出格雷琴。Self then threatens T-Bag to get him to find Gretchen.

格雷琴和赛尔夫与威肯会面,准备出售“锡拉”。Gretchen and Agent Self meet with Vikan to sell Scylla.

赛尔夫和格雷琴在一个码头等着一个可能的买家。Self and Gretchen wait for a prospective buyer at a pier.

格雷琴走下楼梯,苏克雷向她袭击。As Gretchen descends down the stairwell, Sucre attacks her.

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马宏认为他们应该在赛尔夫之前先找到格雷琴。Mahone thinks they should get to Gretchen before Self does.

“我看上了一个胆小鬼,”格丽卿说着,吻吻他的耳朵。"I'm in love with a coward, " Gretchen said, kissing his ear.

林肯格打给格雷琴,将赛尔夫的出卖告诉了她。Lincoln calls Gretchen and fills her in on Self's double-cross.

鲁道夫笑了,而格丽卿也不由得笑了起来。Rudolph laughed and despite herself Gretchen had to laugh, too.

格丽卿转移了目标,他也不再受攻击了。Gretchen had switched targets and he no longer was under attack.

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格丽卿转移了目标,也不再受攻击了。Gretchen had switched targets and he no longer was under attack.

受尽折磨,全身血污的格雷琴出现在她姐姐丽塔的家门口。A battered and bloody Gretchen arrives at her sister Rita's house.

当西奥多想逃离他的公寓时,格雷琴拔枪对准了他。While T-Bag tries to flee his apartment, Gretchen pulls a gun on him.