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其顶峰为交响乐和清唱剧。Its peaks are the symphony and the oratorio.

清唱剧中的一曲独唱,仿佛清澈江洋中那一波激流。Aria, a song that is sung by one person in an oratorio.

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高兴俱乐部的决定提出的清唱剧在其演奏。The Glee Club decided to present an oratorio during their recital.

神剧由韩德尔在1741年创作而成。The Messiah Oratorio was composed by George Frideric Handel in 1741.

清唱剧是一种音乐戏剧形式,诞生于16世纪末的意大利。Oratorio , which originated form Italy in the 16th century, is a music drama form.

感谢神让我们有这个机会和荣幸来演唱这出神剧。We would to thank God for this opportunity and privilege to perform this oratorio.

神剧耶稣基督作曲家萧泰然教授夫妇亲临参加崇拜及聆听演唱。Tyzen Hsiao who attended the worship & presentation of his oratorio "Jesus Christ".

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圣伊丽莎白传奇,为独唱,混声合唱队,管风琴和管弦乐队而作的清唱剧。Die Legende von der heilgen Elisabeth, oratorio for soloists, Mixed chours, Organ & orchestra.

此剧公演后随即便取得了空前的成功并持续激励著数代基督徒。The oratorio was an immediately success and has continued to inspire generations of Christians.

清唱剧产生在即的当口,巴赫带着他的康塔塔出现了。The oratorio is being prepared. At this juncture Bach appears, and creates cantatas that endure.

其创作作品广泛有交响乐、器乐曲、声乐曲、清唱剧等等。Its creation works widely have symphony, composition for instrument, sound music, oratorio and so on.

其中与香港圣乐团及香港新青年合唱团的合作均获好评。Her performance with The Hong Kong Oratorio Society and The Hong Kong Youth Choir were both warmly received.

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为听起来更真切,你身体的声音类似一混合唱诗班表演一优雅、古典宗教剧。Heard more closely, the sounds of your body resemble a mixed choir performing an exquisite, classical oratorio.

在对清唱剧第一部分结束和整个第二部分,共发出丰盛的茶点。At the end of the first part of the oratorio and throughout the second part, sumptuous refreshments were served.

并以此为基础创作了自己的一组钟乐——剑桥时刻。任何人,只要知道亨德尔著名的圣乐,都会很容易地辩认出这一音乐片段。And built his set of chimes, The Cambridge Quarters, around it. The musical phrase is easily recognisable to anyone who knows handel's famous oratorio.

1600年是音乐史上一个具有里程碑意义的年份,在这一年中相继出现宣叙调、康塔塔、歌剧以及反映宗教情绪的音乐形式清唱剧。The year 1600 was one of the most important landmarks in musical history, witnessing the rise of recitative, cantata, opera and its religious equivalence, oratorio.

感谢神让我们有这个机会和荣幸来演唱这齣神剧。能够演唱这部高难度但极富价值的音乐作品对于每位参演的弟兄姐妹都是极大的祝福。We would to thank God for this opportunity and privilege to perform this oratorio . It has been a tremendous blessing for everyone working on this difficult, yet rewarding music.