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那男孩的名叫威伦。The boy's name is Timothy.

一系列黄东明摄影作品。A series of Timothy Huang's photographs.

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总的说来,提摩西的建议更可取。Timothy 's suggestion is more acceptable.

提摩太前书的作者在攻击什么?What is this author in I Timothy attacking?

保罗为什麽要替提摩太行割礼?。Paul circumcised Timothy. Why did he do that?

蒂莫西。利里是这次活动的另外一名领导人。Another leader of the event was Timothy Leary.

我们这个系列的关键一段是提摩太前书4.7。Our key passage for this series is 1st Timothy 4.7.

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保罗在11-12节向提摩太提出什么要求?What commands did Paul give Timothy in verses 11-12?

总的说来,提摩西的建议更可取。On balance, Timothy 's suggestion is more acceptable.

为什么常见的猫尾草也叫梯牧草?Why is common herd's grass also called timothy grass?

保罗敦促提摩太将「神的恩赐再如火挑旺起来」。Paul urges Timothy to "fan into flame the gift of God."

提摩西刚驶进一个加油站。Timothy has just pulled into a gas station with his car.

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保罗在20-21节给提摩太的最后告诫是什么?What closing charge did Paul give Timothy in verses 20-21?

提摩西薛伍这名字你有印象吗?Does the name Timothy Sherwood mean anything to you, doctor?

郑华哲校友现任职威尔斯亲王医院。Mr Timothy Cheng is now working at Prince of Wales Hospital.

我从横木上跳下来,揪住了苜蓿和猫尾草。I jump from the cross-beams and seize the clover and timothy.

是谁把他的好消息科林斯,也由蒂莫西。Who brought him good news from Corinth , and also by Timothy.

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在他们开始旅行之前,保罗要提摩太行了割礼。Before they started on the trip, Paul had Timothy circumcised.

提莫西•费里斯已经在十几本书里探索了宇宙。Timothy Ferris has explored the cosmos in a dozen popular books.

蒂莫西戴上帽子,向我瞟了一眼,就不理会我们了。Timothy put on his hat, cocked his eye at me, and left us alone.