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RICS会员现时已被一系列严谨的职业守则及政策指引规管。RICS members are regulated by a set of stringent code of ethics and policy guidelines.

RICS称,2010年初相对于登记购房者数量的房源短缺,将推动房价上涨,此后这种效应将消退.For 2010, RICS said an initial upward effect on prices caused by a shortage of property relative to the number of registered buyers would fade.

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为了减低架构重覆及避免任何额外的财政负担,RICS提倡以两层制度规管个人从业员。To minimize duplication, and avoid any additional financial burden for regulated individuals, RICS advocates a two-tier system for individuals.

RICS的报告发现,与其他国家的商业地产行业相比,英国的测量员对房产的短期租赁前景特别悲观。Compared with those in other countries, surveyors in Britain are especially gloomy about the short-term outlook for rents, finds the RICS report.

RICS全球发展理念及策略乃由60人组成的监管委员会议订。委员会成员由来自全球各地RICS会员组成,并由主席带领。The RICS global vision and strategy is set by the 60-strong Governing Council that includes RICS members from all world regions and is chaired by the President.

回顾了我国稻草板的发展历程,提出了目前稻草板发展中存在的一些问题,最后针对这些问题提出了一些建议。This paper reviews the development course of rics straw based panel in China and points out coherent problems. Aimed at the problems, some proposals are presented.

将由RICS中国分会主席李旭先生和RICS华南区委员会主席谢戈力先生,共同为华南区新会员颁发RICS会员证书。Chairman of RICS China Board Mr. Henry Li, together with RICS Southern China Committee Chairman Mr. Xie Geli, will issue the RICS diploma to the new South China members.

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但是RICS成员中预期未来三个月房价下跌的数量却有所增多,未来房价差值从负28跌至负38.However, the proportion of RICS members forecasting a fall in house prices over the next three months grew, with the future house price balance weakening to -38 from -28.

于企业层面,RICS提倡一个单一层面的制度予物业管理公司,主要因为阶梯式的制度将对小型物业管理公司不利。At company level, RICS advocates a single-tiered system for property management companies as a tiered system will be unfavourable to smaller property management companies.

RICS已成为全球最大、最受尊敬及知名的全球权威机构之一,这得益于她承诺不断提升专业精神的标准。RICS has grown to become one of the largest, most respected and well known global organizations of its kind thanks to its ongoing commitment to raising the standards of property professionalism.