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她面色秀丽。She has a pretty complexion.

脸色黄是为什么?。Is complexion fizzles out why?

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那颜色适合你的肤色。That color suits your complexion.

这种颜色适合我的肤色吗?Does this color suit my complexion?

这种颜色适合我的肤色吗?Does this color suit my complexion?

郭父得知此事气得面色铁青。Guo father learned this mad complexion.

金灿灿的外表却常常暗淡无光。And often is his gold complexion dimm'd.

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你脸色看起来很苍白。You the complexion look like very palely.

一切缺少你的颜色的都是丑。And all they foul that thy complexion lack.

他面呈菜色,脸部浮肿。His complexion was sallow, his face swollen.

她面颊粉红,面部皮肤光洁无瑕。She has pink cheeks and a flawless complexion.

我认为这种蓝色的衣服不适合你的肤色。I dod't think the blue shirt fite your complexion.

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我讨厌男人长着红润的皮肤,黑眼珠。I hate a florid complexion and dark eyes in a man.

我觉得这个颜色不适合他的肤色。I feel that this color doesn't suit his complexion.

我试图撒谎,但我苍白的脸色总会出卖我。I tried lying, but my pale complexion gave me away.

这个孩子身体健壮、脸色红润。The child had a strong body and a ruddy complexion.

你的皮肤已经变得苍白,你化了妆。Your complexion has become pallid , you use make-up.

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这次大捷使这战争改观。This great victory changed the complexion of the war.

病了这么长时间,她脸色苍白。Her complexion was pallid after being ill for so long.

与水化合,抚平和柔亮肤色。Hydrate, smooth and plump for a soft radiant complexion.