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主裁判应。An umpire shall.

那裁判一定瞎了眼。To serve as an umpire.

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裁判员宣告他出界。The umpire gave him out.

他击出棒球裁判。He hit a baseball umpire.

我们得找个人当裁判。We need someone to umpire.

裁判员丢了帽子,大为激动。The umpire lost his cap and his cool.

裁判员裁定击球手出局。The umpire ruled that the batsman was out.

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裁判把这名运动员罚出了场。The umpire ousted the player from the game.

一个裁判员必须公正无私而且具有敏锐的洞察力。An umpire must be an entirely disinterested but keen observer.

这是你第三盘和主裁说话的原因吗?Q. Is that why you were talking to the umpire in the third set?

他留长发,穿花衣服,朝裁判吐口水。He grew hair long, wore colourful clothes and spat at an umpire.

司球裁判负责判断坏球与击球和推进比赛的进行。The home plate umpire calls balls and strikes and runs the game.

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译裁判员以不容反对的神气作出了决定。The umpire gare his decision with an airadmitting of no gainsay.

裁判出示绿牌表示警告犯规球员。For warning an offending player, the umpire shows him a green card.

裁判举起霍梅尔斯的手宣告胜利,霍梅尔斯戴上冠军绶带。The umpire raises Holmes's arm high, Holmes wears the champion's belt.

我仍然在这儿踢球,而且有时候在这儿当裁判,所以这是个很棒的公园。You know, I still play here, and sometimes I umpire here, so it's a great park.

但是,直到国际网球联合会的规则改变,否则就应该由裁判判定喊叫声是否太过分。But until the ITF rules, it’s up to the umpire to decide if a grunt goes too far.

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研究者首先提出问题,称其为巡回裁判员问题。The researchers first had to develop the question, dubbed the Traveling Umpire Problem.

托瑞爷还抱怨这个裁判在判决好球后”居然胆敢和阿伯争辩”。Torre also complained that the umpire "had the nerve to argue with Abreu" after the call.

你从来不会看到他情绪失控,不会见到他摔球拍,也不会看到他和裁判较劲。You never see him lose his cool. Never see him break a racket. Never see him berate an umpire.