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他提到她了吗?Did he mention her?

莫提此事。Don't mention the matter.

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我要说说社会主义。I want to mention socialism.

更别提拼字了。Not to mention the spelling!

不用谢也可以用吧?Don't mention it can also use?

就此为止,我刚想起我曾提过的。I just thought I'd mention it.

让我来举第三个例子Let me mention a third example.

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别提十年或者十五年聚会了。not to mention ten and fifteen.

我们提到触控式萤幕了吗?。Did we mention the touch screen?

早上好,田中先生,您好吗?Don't mention it. And good luck!

在课堂上我没有提到这些。I did not mention this in class.

我为什么要提及这些往事?Why do I mention all this stuff?

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让我特别提及其中两份。Let me mention two in particular.

其中不可不提的是摩纳哥。One cannot not mention is Monaco.

没事,愿为你两肋插刀。Don't mention it, anything for you.

提及你想怀孕的兴趣。Mention your interest in pregnancy.

整件事已经事过境迁了,我不希望你再提起来。I don't want you to mention it again.

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在这里不用提到他的篮球了。I won’t even mention his basketballs.

我的旅行指南上可没有提到这个公园啊。My guidebook didn't mention the park.

一提到那只狗,她就吓得畏畏缩缩。She winced at the mention of the dog.