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她喜欢搬弄是非。She loves to peddle gossip.

接着便是楼下那些小商贩的叫卖声。Then came downstairs the pedlar peddle sound.

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整车零担,天天发车。The complete bikes peddle car, starts out daily.

我们跳上单车,风风火火地向商场进发We jump on our bikes and peddle off to the arcade.

那么究竟有没有不兜售性服务的陪护呢?Are there any escort services that don’t peddle sex?

明眼的银行家们为另外的联手行动摇旗呐喊。Bright-eyed bankers peddle ideas for other combinations.

他们甚至设立了自己的通讯社来宣扬反孤立主义。They even set up their own news agency to peddle anti-isolationist propaganda.

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最后他终于找到了兜售他走私表的对象。Finally he found his game with whom he stood in to peddle his smuggled watches.

而印度呢,兜售不杀生主义,什么神秘的精神力量和别的零碎。On the other hand Indians peddle ahimsa, some spiritual mumbo-jumbo and little else.

贩卖军火伤天害理的事情怎么是我们中国政府做的呢?Would our Chinesev government do something as impudent and outrageous as peddle munitions?

他到伦敦小画廊兜售自己的画作,结果碰了一鼻子灰。His attempts to peddle his paintings around London's tiny gallery scene proved unsuccessful.

我终于可以用整只脚踢水,还有韵律呼吸应该快内化了。I can finally peddle with whole legs and I am getting this rhythmic breathing thing down pat.

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它们让校舍卵石路脱尽尘埃,又让这里的树木、花草冒出翠来。They also kept the peddle roads clean completely and moistened trees and grasses into emerald.

她知道医生通过穿刺就会知道她胸部的硬块是肿瘤还是囊肿.She knew the aspiration would tell him whether the peddle in her breast was a lump or just a cyst.

他曾考虑抢劫银行来还清他的债务,但又觉得像KGB兜售机密来得更容易一些。He considered bank robbery to alleviate his debts but deemed it easier to peddle secrets to the KGB.

在很多高校,有的人就直接在校园里抓过一个学生,兜售‘服务’。On many campuses in many cities, someone will just grab a student and peddle their `service` on the street.

语不惊人死不休,但是许多人却用平凡无奇的方式来写收听报告。It may come as a bit of a shock, but many of the same approaches used to peddle soap apply to reception report writing.

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据知情者透露,黄金高自己记下的性乱日记,比街巷里小贩兜售的黄色书刊还黄。According to informed sources, Huang's notes were even filthier than the pornographic books that street hawkers try to peddle.

有时候他们会销售确切拷贝数的产品,但通常会兜售污点软件,向其他电子犯罪洞开大门。Sometimes they sell exact copies of products, but often peddle tainted software that opens the door to other electronic crime.

然而,他们在除了能举起一个中等身材叫卖的相当的重量之外,承受不起再大的重量了,或者只是跑到对面的街去借一杯糖力量都没有。However, they couldn’t lift anything heavier than a medium-sized peddle or run across the street just to borrow a cup of sugar.