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我已经拼得差不多了。I've gotten pretty far.

怒气得到了一个坏拍击!Anger has gotten a bad rap!

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我还没拿到我的食物。I haven't gotten my food yet.

我已经得到了一些见习。I’ve gotten in some practive.

西瓜娄了。The watermelon has gotten bad.

他们根本没数到过三。They’ve never gotten to three.

我真应该起得早一些。I should have gotten up earlier.

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我以前从没晕过船。I've never gotten seasick before.

与敌人谈判的城市,等于一半被占领。A city that parleys is half gotten.

他还没有本科毕业。He hadn't gotten his undergrad yet.

那么,你在伦敦迷过路吗?So, have you gotten lost in London?

有时规则是可以躲过去的。Sometimes rules can be gotten around.

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恐怕这玩意锈住了。I'm afraid it’s gotten a little rusty.

美国总统的椭圆形办公室现在已面貌一新。The Oval Office has gotten a makeover.

我们本来可以买辆更好的车,对么?We could have gotten a better car, eh?

我们地线路一定和别人地串线了。We must have gotten our lines crossed.

你本可以将他开除出这个团队。You could have gotten him off the team.

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我弄清了纠纷的真正原因。I've gotten to the bottom of the dispute.

为什么,先生,我已经得到很多结果了。Why, man, I have gotten a lot of results.

我们只有祝福他一路走好。We only wish he'd gotten a better sendoff.