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你的目标是什么?What is your objective?

我们的目标是夺标。Our objective is the cup.

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这是我们的主要目标。This is our main objective.

我也喜欢客观式测验题。I like objective tests, too.

这就是您的主要目标。This is your main objective.

既非写实,也不客观,亦非新闻报道,有的只是指指点点。Not journalism. Not objective.

它是客观存在的物体,一个实物It's objective. It's an object.

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我也为我的每一个目标祈祷。I also pray over each objective.

他朝着他的目标前进。He kept on towards his objective.

目的合成卡莫司汀。Objective Synthesis of Carmustine.

目的制备茶色素。Objective To prepare tea pigments.

你的长远目标是什麽?What is your long-range objective?

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客观而非主观的对待目标。Be objective rather than subjective.

目的测定香菊总黄酮含量。Objective To determine the flavonoid.

客观的值得更难捉摸些。Objective worthiness is more elusive.

评判员必须发表公正意见。A judge must give an objective opinion.

目的制备阿洛西林钠。Objective To prepare Azlocillin sodium.

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所以筹资风险是客观存在的。So funding risk is objective existence.

目的用去白细胞去血浆疗法治疗类风湿关节炎。Objective To cure the RA using Leuco-PE.

我们希望这个目标能够达到。We hope this objective will be attained.