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研究了基于宏块置乱的视频数据加密技术。This paper presents a video encryption approach by MacroBlock permutation.

其它的计数问题引导我们去研究置换群的轨道。Other enumeration problems lead us to the study of orbits of permutation groups.

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伴随每个递归步骤,会形成带有一个额外置换群的向量积。With each recursive step, cross products with one additional Permutation Group are formed.

提出了一种求解置换流水车间调度的蚁群优化算法。An ant colony optimization based algorithm for permutation flow shop scheduling was proposed.

这样就可以配置不同供应商提供的角色实现的任意排列组合。This way, any permutation of role implementations by the different vendors can be configured.

交错群网络与洗牌交换置换网络的路由算法。The routing algorithm for alternating group networks and shuffle-exchange permutation networks.

研究了由多值逻辑函数组构成的置换。In this paper, we have studied the permutation formed by multiple-valued logical function group.

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每个测试案例第二行包含了N最小的正整数置换。The second line of each test case will contain a permutation of the N smallest positive integers.

单排列和原排列是构造排列的材料。The construction of the permutation depends on the single permutation and the original permutation.

本文主要研究加法幂等元满足置换等式的纯整半环。This paper deals with orthodox semirings whose additive idempotents satisfy permutation identities.

常数级压缩方法利用排列组合原理,适于压缩字节内容无规律的文件。The data compressing method based on constant grade makes use of permutation and combination theory.

给出了多人对策的局中人集的排列置换数目的计算公式及递推公式。The recurrence formula of the permutation numbers of the players of then person game is also deduced.

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素数的排列规律和鉴别方法一直是数论中研究的重要问题之一。The permutation law and decision method of prime number is an important question of the number theory.

未置换髌骨组术后髌骨半脱位3例,置换髌骨组5例。There were 3 subluxations in unpermutation group and 5 in permutation group after patellar replacement.

目的探讨高龄人工股骨头置换术围手术期的治疗方法。Objective To study the method of the artificial thigh bone permutation perioperatively for advanced age.

侧位屈曲位及伸展位片,可以显示腰椎在运动中的排列关系。Side position is inflectional reach extend piece, the permutation in can showing lumbar is moving concerns.

替代和置换部分组成了具有良好密码特性的SP网络结构。The substitution and the permutation formed the SP network architecture with desirable cryptographic property.

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循环移位置换单元是准循环LDPC码的部分并行译码器的重要组成部分。Cyclic shift permutation structure is an important part of partial parallel decoder for quasi-cyclic LDPC codes.

对一般布尔代数上的布尔置换进行了研究,即第二章第一节。In the first section of the second chapter, the Boolean permutation on general Boolean algebra has been studied.

交错码,编码,译码设备和方法,置换方法及其系统。Interlacer, coding device, permutation method, coding method, decoding device and method and systems using them.