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与它最接近的是土耳其语和土库曼语。Its closest relatives are Turkish and Turkmen.

土库曼斯坦输气入俄罗斯的影响是非常深远的。The commitment of Turkmen gas to Russia has broader implications.

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土库曼人认为俄罗斯人喜欢马戏表演Akials,尤其是。Turkmen believe Russians prefer Akials, especially for circus performances.

然后指着另外一个揭开了头巾露出一张圆脸和斜长双眼的男子说,“这一位,是我们的老大哥,土库曼军队的指挥官。”"And this, " he said, "is our brother, the commander of the Turkmen troops."

该塔附近有一个万圣墓园,土库曼人认为真主在那里倾听他们的祈祷。Located near the tower is a saints’ cemetery, where Turkmen say that God receives their prayers.

至今仍围绕土库曼编织技术的众多问题更是增加了其神秘和魅力。The many questions still surrounding Turkmen weavings only add to their mystery and fascination.

土库曼想比较他们的坐骑鸟类,因此人们发现库什字马的名称,以便经常研究。Turkmen like to compare their mounts to birds, hence one finds the word Kush so often in horse names.

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据土库曼的传说,这座塔象征着一位有钱人给他年轻时就已死去的女儿的一件礼物。According to Turkmen legend, the tower represents the gift of a rich man to his daughter, who died as a young woman.

2010年6月11日,国家主席胡锦涛在塔什干会见土库曼斯坦总统别尔德穆哈梅多夫。On June 11, 2010, Chinese President Hu Jintao met with his Turkmen counterpart Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov in Tashkent.

土库曼斯坦愿进一步加强土中合作,也愿借鉴学习中国的发展经验。The Turkmen side is willing to strengthen the cooperation with China and learn from the development experience of China.

立陶宛总统格里鲍斯凯婕代表立陶宛人民向中国人民致以深切慰问。Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov sent his profound sympathy and heartfelt condolences to the Chinese people.

土库曼山的海拔相对来说比较高,但是如果没有一定的技术支持,很难想象宫殿能够一直保持冰冻的状态。The Turkmen mountains are relatively high, but it is hard to imagine the palace remaining frozen without some sort of technical help.

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2005年5月8日下午,中国国家主席胡锦涛在下榻的饭店会见了土库曼斯坦总统尼亚佐夫。On the afternoon of May 8, 2005, Chinese President Hu Jintao met in the hotel where he stayed with his Turkmen counterpart Saparmurat Niyazov.

尼亚佐夫把自己对国家的”丰功伟绩“捧上来天,甚至成了全国驾照考试的考题内容。Niyazov attached such importance to his own epic account of the Turkmen nation that questions on the text appeared in the national driving test.

胡锦涛说,他1995年应邀访问土库曼斯坦时,土库曼斯坦人民对中国人民的热情友好给他留下了深刻印象。Hu Jintao said that he was deeply impressed by the warm hospitality of the Turkmen people when he at invitation paid a visit to Turkmenistan in 1995.

业界专家表示,伊朗继续从土库曼斯坦进口油气的行为不难理解,因为南部的油气田无法满足北部需要。Industry experts say it makes sense for Iran to continue Turkmen gas imports to feed a northern Iranian region that is difficult to supply from its big southern fields.

罗马尼亚科学院国际关系和经济合作研究所授予土总统别尔德穆哈梅多夫“2010年国际年度人物”证书。The Institute of International Relations and Economic Cooperation of the Romanian Academy of Sciences awarded Turkmen President Berdimuhamedov the title "Man of the Year".

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其影响所及就有有美国支持的,却又过分依赖于能可靠的获得土库曼斯坦和哈萨克斯坦的天然气的,建设一条横贯里海的管道和Nabucco的管道的倡议的命运。For one thing, the fate of the US-supported proposals for a trans-Caspian pipeline and the Nabucco pipeline depended significantly on the availability of Turkmen and Kazakh gas.

土方愿意在联合国宪章基础上同中方就地区安全加强合作,共同维护地区和平稳定。The Turkmen president pledged to strengthen regional security cooperation with China and to jointly maintain regional peace and stability on the basis of the United Nations Charter.

公路土方路基施工主要是挖掘路堑和填筑路堤,不稳定土的处理以及清理场地施工中的排水,边沟,边坡的修筑等工作。Highway turkmen subgrade construction mainly mining, cutting and rock embankment soil treatment and instability of the construction of drainage ditches, slope, the construction work.