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这辆车里没有新郎。There's no bridegroom in that trap.

新郎和新娘一起从婚纱影楼出发。Bride and bridegroom start from Mohandseen.

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还有一个网友,将“新郎新娘给他们的父母鞠躬”这句话翻译为下面第一句。Bridegroom and bride bowed to their parents.

为新郎准备好花环。and the garland is ready for the bridegroom.

新郎将一杯白兰地酒一饮而尽。The bridegroom quaffed down a glass of brandy.

新郎将一杯白兰地酒一饮而尽。The bridegroom quaffed down a glass of brandy.

我的让人羡慕的新郞把这样的信息放在了心里。My adoring bridegroom took the message to heart.

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这个女的是我以前上海的同事。“新狼”我不认识。Shanghai City. the bridegroom also I don't know.

大伙向新娘新郎敬酒。All of us drank a toast to the bride and bridegroom.

他提议为新娘和新郎干杯。He proposed a toast to both the bride and bridegroom.

人们纷纷给新娘和新郎送贺礼。Many gifts were showered on the bride and bridegroom.

因为新郎迟延,她们都打盹睡著了。And the bridegroom tarrying, they all slumbered and slept.

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男方摆了20桌酒席。The bridegroom has given a wedding feast with twenty tables.

在安德鲁斯的第一种异文里,新郎变成了癞蛤蟆。In Andrews's first variant, the bridegroom turns into a toad.

伯金告诉他说的是刚才新郎新娘赛跑的事。Birkin told him about the race of the bride and the bridegroom.

那时候,她是丰韵又害羞的新娘,而我是强壮又快乐的新郎。She was then plump and shy. I was a strong and happy bridegroom.

新郎和新妇的声音,在你中间决不能再听见。The voice of bridegroom and bride will never be heard in you again.

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上门迎亲。The bridegroom goes to the bride's home to escort her to the wedding.

在结婚照片中除了新郎以外人人照得都不错。Everyone came out well in the wedding photograph except the bridegroom.

赫麦妮正同新郎官讨论民族问题。Hermione was having a discussion with the bridegroom about nationality.