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抑郁是什么?What Is Depression?

萧条的经济使他破产了。The depression smashed him.

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837年的经济大萧条A big depression hit in 1837.

这就是萧条轴心。Hence the axis of depression.

但抑郁症不褪色。But the depression didnt fade.

但是它不能治疗抑郁吗?But does it cure your depression?

萧条恐惧并未占得上风。Depression fear did not take off.

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857年的经济大萧条Another big depression hit in 1857.

但是,那还不算是真正的沮丧。But it couldn't be real depression.

碗状地形凹陷。A bowl-shaped topographic depression.

交易沉滞,生意萧条。Business boomed after the depression.

情绪障碍是轻度,长期的抑郁。Dysthymia is mild, chronic depression.

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进而它会引起消沉感和劳累感。Then it causes depression and fatigue.

低气压通常带来坏天气。A depression usually brings bad weather.

抑郁甚至没收了我的身份。Depression even confiscates my identity.

她是美国经济大萧条时期的产物。She was a product of the great depression.

延缓还是处理——对待抑郁症Staving off — or dealing with — depression

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而抑郁症是自杀的首要诱因。Depression is the leading cause of suicide.

抑郁影响绝经期症状吗?Does Depression Affect Menopausal Symptoms?

女性患抑郁的几率比男性高一倍。Depression affects twice as many women as men.