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谷歌曾说,数据的收集是随意的。Google has said the data collection was inadvertent.

此公司已宣称数据采集并非故意。The company has said the data collection was inadvertent.

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我感到十分惊讶,这样一个无心的动作,竟会引起他如此的愤怒。I am very surprised that such an inadvertent action, would cause him so angry.

但它在检测是否有无意中翻译掉的字符串方面也有用。But it also is helpful in detecting that there are not any inadvertent translations.

莫罗女士最后在60小时漫不经心的长途跋涉后回到了家。Ms Moreau finally made it home 60 hours after embarking upon her inadvertent odyssey.

埃玛在场时,很不巧我冒失地提到了她的失败。Unfortunately, I made an inadvertent remark about Irma's failure while she was present.

对环境变量的意外修改也会导致此类问题。The inadvertent modification of environment variables can also cause this type of scenario.

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克林顿时代,还有过一次关于某鸽子繁殖地被无意间破坏的发布会。Also useful is a Clinton-era pids concerning the inadvertent destruction of a dove breeding ground.

到目前为止还没有袋獾将人咬死的记录,但有些与袋獾意外的相遇却以流血事件告终。To date, tasi's have killed no humans, but inadvertent encounters with devils can end in bloodshed.

他处理国际事务时,从不轻率,鲁莽,马马虎虎,粗心大意。He's never imprudent or impudent , inadvertent or negligent when he deals with international affairs.

进货中的不合格品须隔离并加上标识以防止进一步使用。Incoming non-conforming materials are segregated and separately identified to prevent inadvertent use.

这种不小心的解释会导致恶意代码的执行和潜在的安全侵犯。This inadvertent interpretation can lead to malicious code execution and possible security violations.

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她说,调查正在进行中,不过显然守卫人员对于这起误闯事件处理得当。She said an investigation is under way but it appears guards handled the inadvertent intrusion correctly.

执行缓慢的B2B电子商务市场是一些无心的自然绊脚石。Slow implementation of B2B e- marketplaces is a natural consequence of some inadvertent stumbling blocks.

然而,苦心经营多年的帝国仍会因一着不慎而难逃毁灭的命运。However, work hard because escape the move is inadvertent and hard, old empire still is met ruined destiny.

你们需要设计出一个电站来展示出,你们能够掌握好增压减压阀门的,疏忽打开。You need to design a plant to show that you can handle an inadvertent opening of the pressurised relief valve.

可以预期的是,在大流行前期进行疫苗接种时,会有一些孕妇因未予注意而接种大流行性流感疫苗。It is expected that inadvertent immunization during pregnancy may occur during the pre-pandemic phase of vaccine use.

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一个辅助保护系统,意图防止跳闸,由于无心之失的运作,主要防护体系。An auxiliary protective system intended to prevent tripping due to inadvertent operation of the main protective system.

计算2005年意外的氚排放并在2005年放射性流出物排放报告中刊出声明。Calculated inadvertent tritium released for 2005 and put a statement into the 2005 Radioactive Effluent Release Report.

这一个是很熟悉的,增压安全阀的疏忽打开,或者是在压水式反应堆的减压阀,或者是在沸水式反应堆的安全阀。This one is the familiar one, inadvertent opening of a pressurised safety or relief valve in a PWR or a safety valve in a BWR.