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妖艳的女孩。Holly was a glamour girl.

诗的光环消失了。The glamour of poesy is gone.

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五十年代的魅力适合老式的狐狸精。Fifties glamour fit for a vintage vixen.

丰润的棕色皮肤是健康和魅力的标志。A luxuriant tan bespeaks health and glamour.

西安的夜生活具有独特的魅力。The night life in Xian has a unique glamour.

这座宫殿充满了魅力和浪漫气息。The palace was invested with glamour and romance.

我们拍了有十二张标准魅照。We worked through a dozen standard glamour shots.

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他是否为你的魅力而敬你一杯?Has he proposed a toast to your glamour and grace?

厚厚实实的嘴唇本身就有说不尽的魅力。Thick labial itself has say never-failing glamour.

少赶点时髦,来多点好莱坞优雅复古风。Think less trendy, more vintage Hollywood glamour.

人们匆匆赶回家,却发现这不过是仙人的魔法。They hurried home to find it was but faery glamour.

Stella生活在一个虚假的时尚和魅力的世界中。Stella lives in a pseudo world of style and glamour.

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你是我的娃娃,到处摇滚,感到粉红中的魔力。You are my doll, rock oll, feel the glamour in pink.

当然可以!确保整组产品都拍入一整张清晰特写照片中。Yes! Make sure the whole family is in the glamour shot.

沙莉喜欢住酒店这种有点不正常的魅力。Singer enjoys the perverse glamour of living in a hotel.

而且它拥有一辆马力增强版割草机的所有魅力。And it possessed all the glamour of a souped-up lawnmower.

爱找别人阴暗面的人,自己也常又失去魅力。Those who find faults with other offer lose their glamour.

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象声词是汉语词库中独具魅力的一类词。Mimetic word has its special glamour in Chinese vocabulary.

没人强迫他耽溺在烟草虚假的魅力中。No one forced him to indulge the false glamour of the weed.

我军的先头部队和敌军的一个班巡逻兵遭遇。No one forced him to indulge the false glamour of the weed.