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你躲进山毛榉的葱绿和阴影Of beechen green, and shadows numberless

你躲进山毛榉的葱绿和荫影。Of beechen green, and shadows numberless.

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我最亲爱的,我生活在无数暗影中。Dearest, the shadows I live with are numberless.

在风天,我们能看到无数沙粒。We can see numberless grains of sand in a windy day.

如是等恒河沙数诸佛。All Buddhas such as these, numberless as Ganges sands.

我心常怀无数岛屿,和许多达湳海岸。I am haunted by numberless islands, and many a Danaan shore.

他有消化不良、发烧、以及其它数不尽的病。He had bad digestion , fevers and numberless other illnesses.

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在山毛榉绿影下的情结中。In some melodious plot of beechen green, and shadows numberless.

无数的风的心脏,在我们爱的沉默上方跳动。The numberless heart of the wind, beating above our loving silence.

从世间梦寐中释放出来的欢乐涌进无数的叶片中。Joy freed from the bond of earth's slumber rushes into numberless leaves.

无数可能的值得的目标中我不知道哪一个是最好的。Of numberless possible and desirable goals, I am not sure which are best.

桶里有一些鱼,但在湖里有无数的他们!In the bucket there are some fishes, but in the lake there are numberless of them!

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是有关勇气和信念的无数行动型塑了人类的历史。It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human history is shaped.

在巴格达的那些日子里,去路桥司打交道的次数真可以说数不胜数。In the days in Baghdad, we went to the Road and Bridge Department for numberless times.

记忆开始在脑海中闪过,无数的无名的影像在脑中清晰的浮现。Memories flash in my mind, as if it was washed, and nameless and numberless images come up vividly.

无数的东方人敬奉石头,喜爱石头,把玩石头,收藏石头,研究石头……Numberless easterns regard stone with great respect, and they love it, play it, collect it and study it.

酸奶凝胶超微结构呈一种纤维网状立体结构,网状纤维中间形成无数有规则的空隙。The microstructure of yogurt is a kind of reticulate cubic structure with numberless regular interspace.

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喜悦从尘世的蛰居中解脱,便冲进茫茫的叶海,整日里在空中舞蹈。Joy freed from the bond of earth's slumber rushes into numberless leaves, and dance in the air for a day.

水的边缘立著数不尽的石尖块和种种杯形的地物,就像我们之前看过的一般。At the water's edge were numberless rocky pinnacles, and cup-shaped masses like those we had already seen.

眼前浮动的都是车、车、车,又要面对这多如牛毛的车,我无奈地坐起来。Floating is car, car, car before, want to face this numberless as the sand car again, I sit up helplessly.