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“罗马”激起了恐惧。The Roma inspire fear.

举例来说,人是怎样激励的?For example, how does one inspire?

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激发人们做他们爱做的事。Inspire others to do what they love.

做那些能让你每天精神抖擞的事。Do things that you inspire you daily.

它也是第一部启迪我的电影。It was the first movie to inspire me.

看看那些总能带给你灵感的书吧。What books never fail to inspire you?

你知道,我的音乐是鼓舞人心的。Y'know my music is-is meant to inspire.

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大的生动有趣的按钮引发人们购买。Big juicy buttons inspire people to buy.

谁会启发布瑞塔享受更多的乐趣?Who would inspire Britta to have more fun?

但是乔布斯知道如何来激发强烈的物质欲望。But Jobs knew how to inspire material lust.

他帮助策划大型教会运动。He helped inspire the mega-church movement.

诗神并不一视同仁地赐予所有诗人以灵感。The Muse does not inspire all poets equally.

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它会引发更多的巨额收购吗?Will it inspire more humongous acquisitions?

为何羞愧,非为神圣诗艺。Then blush not for an art which they inspire.

我给梦以启示,来指引你,宝贝。That I inspire the dreams that guide you baby.

以下四个再就业例子将会重新激发你的灵感。Let these four reinvention stories inspire you.

伟大的领导者激励我们前进。E. 01- Great leaders inspire greatness in others.

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希望籍著这些强者的故事﹐为大家带来一些启发。Hope these stories will inspire you in some ways.

可能你可以在事项时听听音乐来调治空气。Or you can have music to inspire you as you work.

你是为了鼓励我才装出高兴的样子。You affect this gayety to inspire me with courage.