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他长吁一口气。He heaves a sigh.

船随着波浪颠簸。The ship heaves with wave.

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他的胸部随着呼吸而起伏。His chest heaves with every breath.

草丛累累,堆着一些古坟。Where heaves the turf in many a moldering heap.

龟裂的草皮一丘丘隆起。Where heaves the turf in many a mouldering heap.

看到了死人的尸体,使得我直想吐。The sight of the dead body gave me the dry heaves.

我的歌叹息着,欲言又止,打不定主意。My song heaves a sigh and trembles with uncertain desire.

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黄韬偶尔也会抬起头看着脸。Huang Tao occasionally also heaves head to looking at a face.

安迪立刻就被弄了一身,他扭过身用力的呕吐。Andy is instantly coated black. He turns away and heaves his guts out.

语香扬起眉,一副不屑,毫不理会。The language joss-stick heaves eyebrow, a disdain, the milli- ignores.

大地平平展展,偶尔有些起伏,但过去之后又是一望无际的平原了。League after league the earth lies flat, heaves a little, is flat again.

这个世界随着我的痛苦而起伏,那些卑微的王国在我的怒火下颤抖。The world heaves with my torment. It's wretched kingdoms quake beneath my rage.

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不过当李冰抬起头后,他还是很明智地打消了这个念头。However after Li Bing heaves pate, he still kept repealing this mind very wisely.

看到他们家衰败的样子,他不禁喟然长叹命运的无常。Thinking of his declining family, he heaves a deep sigh over the fleetness of fate.

我惊吓得已经有些虚脱,四肢绵软地抬不起来。I frighten already some debilities, the weapon and thighs Mian softly heaves not to get up.

不管怎样他迅速地跑开了,然后看着他椅子所剩下的残余叹了口气。He scoots out of the way anyway, then heaves a sigh as he looks at what's left of his chair.

没有为什么,就是想这么做。爱情萌生在某个瞬间,没道理可讲。Have no why, be want to do so. The adore heaves in a certain moment and have no truth can speak.

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所以她选择听话,乖乖拈起一块薄荷糕放到南宫霖的嘴边。So her choice is loyal, the dear Nian heaves a piece of mint Gao to put south the mouth of the temple Lin side.

他长吁一口气。“你知道,我心头的一块大石差不多落地吗?我原以为你要自杀。现在我知道你只是疯了。”He heaves a sigh. "You know, that's almost a relief? I thought you were suicidal. Now I know you're just crazy."

那刘府的夫人脸色涨红,恨不得找个地洞钻进去。Madam's facial expression of that Liu's mansion heaves red, quite anxious to seek a ground aperture to drill into.