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波兰南部的一个工业城市,位于维斯杜拉河沿岸。An industrial city ins poland on the vistula.

波兰北部一城市,位于维斯杜拉河入海口。A city of northern poland near the mouth of the vistula.

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维斯瓦河奔腾向前,黄浊阴沉的巨流绕过低平的沙洲。The great Vistula rolled its yellowish, sombre vastness around low sandy islands.

波兰首都,位于该国中西部,维斯杜拉河畔。The capital of Poland, in the east-central part of the country on the Vistula River.

2010年春季,豪雨首先使波兰南部维斯瓦河水位提升。In the spring of 2010, heavy rains caused high waters in the Vistula River, first in southern Poland.

他短暂指挥维斯瓦集团军群时,曾把数千名德军士兵投入到绝望的反击中。His brief tenure as commander of Army Group Vistula had seen thousands of German soldiers die in hopeless counteroffensives.

城堡位于维斯图拉河旁,由日耳曼武士建造,是兵家必争的战略要地,在此曾发生过无数次激战。The castle was built by Teutonic knights at a strategic location beside the Vistula River and was the scene of many battles.

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另外一支党卫队小分队试图占领维斯瓦河上的一座重要桥梁。但是却以被打死26人而告失败。Another small group of SS men tried to capture a key bridge over the Vistula River, only to be repulsed with the loss of 26 dead.

作为流经波兰境内的一条干流,维斯瓦河发源于波兰南部喀尔巴阡山脉的巴拉尼亚山麓。A major river in Poland, the Vistula originates on the western slopes of the mountain Barania Góra in the Carpathian Mountains in southern Poland.

这幅由宇航员在国际太空站上拍摄的图像显示了波兰东南部维斯瓦河洪水泛滥的景象。This image, taken by astronauts onboard the International Space Station, shows widespread flooding along the Vistula River in southeastern Poland.

1945年1月12日,科涅夫率领的俄国集团军群从华沙南面维斯杜拉河上游的巴拉诺夫桥头堡出击,向西里西亚推进。On January 12, 1945, Konev's Russian army group broke out of its bridgehead AT Baranov on the upper Vistula south of Warsaw and headed for Silesia.

佩特罗夫斯基在波兰的特切夫镇度过了快乐的童年,同伙伴们在附近的维斯杜拉河里游泳,或是同两个兄弟到附近的公园里拉弓射箭。Piechowski had a happy childhood in the town of Tczew, swimming with friends in the nearby river Vistula or playing with bows and arrows in the park with his two brothers.