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继发性淀粉样变。Secondary amyloidosis.

阿富汗是次要的。Afghanistan is secondary.

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关节的副轴。The joint's secondary axis.

一阶矩和二阶矩。Primary and Secondary Moments.

继发性淀粉样变的治疗。Treating secondary amyloidosis

对于这些人,焦虑是次要的。For these men, anxiety is secondary.

乳腺是属于第二性征器官。The breast is a secondary sex organ.

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它叫北京阳光中学。It Beijing Sunshine secondary school.

二次应力是自限性的。Secondary stresses are self-limiting.

但成就永远都是第二位的。But the achievement is always secondary.

物质是第一性的,精神是第二性的。Matter is primary and mind is secondary.

更不会造成二次污染。More will not cause secondary pollution.

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它的商品性是主要的,艺术性是次要的。It is a major commodity, art is secondary.

同时还要注意观察继发性感染的迹象。Watch for evidence of secondary infection.

我们应该控制二次污染。We should control the secondary pollution.

二次燃烧和爆炸的沉船。Burning and secondary explosions of wrecks.

辅助交换空间是否可以不连续?。Can secondary swap space be non-contiguous?

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其他事物都是次要的。Everything else is secondary.” – Steve Jobs

接受批评,不犯二次过错。Accept criticism, making no secondary fault.

百度对二级域名怎么看待?Baidu look at how the secondary domain name?