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凝血酶原时间在慢性重型肝炎预后中的评价。Fulminant hepatitis in patients with chronic liver disease.

急性肝衰竭的另一种类型是暴发性肝衰竭。Another term for acute liver failure is fulminant hepatic failure.

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其二是核苷类治疗,以拉咪呋啶为代表。The second category is a nucleoside treatment to fulminant represented.

在其临床进程则是快速且致命的,具有扩散性侵犯及早期转移现象。The clinical course is fatally fulminant with diffuse invasion and early metastasis.

本篇报告两例因蜡杆菌所引起之外伤后猛暴性眼内炎的病例。Two cases of posttraumatic fulminant endophthalmitis caused by Bacillus cereus were reported.

目的分析运用肝移植术治疗重型肝炎的临床疗效。Objective To evaluate the outcome of orthotopic liver transplantation for fulminant hepatitis.

暴发性肝炎及胆管阻塞患者禁用熊去氧胆酸。Ursosan should not be given to patients suffering from fulminant hepatitis and bile duct obstruction.

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在猛爆形的病例中,它可能导致病人循环衰竭或促发恶性心律不整,而使其死亡。In fulminant cases, it may lead rapidly to circulatory failure or malignant arrhythmia, causing mortality.

方法回顾性分析本院3例妊娠晚期合并重症肝炎的病例资料。Meth- ods3 cases of fulminant hepatitis in the third trimester of pregnancy were analyzed retrospectively.

死亡的暴发型流脑3例死后立即行肝穿刺电镜检查。Liver puncture and electron microscopy were done immediately after death in 3 patients with fulminant form.

几例长期应用米诺环素引起的肝衰竭被报告。Few cases of fulminant liver failure in association with long term minocycline application have been reported.

肝移植已成为终末期肝病和暴发型肝功能衰竭的一种有效治疗方式。Liver transplantation has been an effective treatment for end-stage liver disease and fulminant hepatic failure.

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结论暴发型流行性脑脊髓膜炎早期多以重症感染征象为特点。Conclusion The early manifestations of fulminant epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis are mainly severe infectious signs.

结论在掌握恰当的适应症的情况下,微创治疗在暴发性胰腺炎的治疗上,是一种非常有效的治疗手段。Conclusion Minimally invasive surgery is very good and effective method in the treatment of fulminant acute pancreatitis.

目的了解我国重型肝炎C基因调节序列变异特点。Objective To characterize mutations in core regulatory sequences hepatitis B virus in Chinese patients fulminant hepatitis.

方法对26例暴发型流脑患儿的整个抢救配合过程进行分析总结。Methods Entire rescuing process of 26 children with fulminant epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis was analyzed and summarized.

目的探讨急诊肝脏移植对暴发性肝功能衰竭的疗效。Objective To evaluate the efficacy of emergency orthotopic liver transplantation in treating patients with fulminant hepatic failure.

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本文报告三例暴发型溃疡性结肠炎合并严重的肝脏并发病。Three cases of fulminant ulcerative colitis, including one case of cntero- colitis, complicated with severe liver disease are reported.

方法回顾性分析南方医科大学南方医院感染病内科收治的68例慢性乙型重型肝炎继发性感染的临床特点。Methods The clinical data of 68 cases of chronic fulminant hepatitis B with secondary bacterial infection were analyzed retrospectively.

青霉素仍然是药物的选择是A组链球菌感染,但未能在暴发性感染已被描述。Penicillin is still the drug of choice for most Group A streptococcal infections, but in fulminant infections failure has been described.