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他著名的铁骑军和新模范军击败了国王。His famous "Ironside" cavalry and New Model Army defeated the king.

爷爷依然坚持,他把钱放在桌子上。"Go on! "Grandda insisted, pushing some money across the table at Ironside.

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艾恩赛德张贴的讯息对谈-局和当地人开始把字左右。Ironside posted a message on a talk-board and locals started to put the word around.

伊洛赛德将军继续在他的职位上工作,并且已经被安排到在一些全球性的军事基地中。General Ironside continues his position and has been stationed in several bases across the globe.

随着抵达者的投入使用,鹰派将军的战场部队得到了熟练的修理工所带来的优秀服务。With the Stryker, Ironside has access to the highly skilled mechanics inside to repair his forces on the battlefield.

他们主动来到一个专门为民兵同国民军混合的中心区。The brigade arrived voluntarily at a center set up to integrate militia fighters into the national army, Ironside told CNN.

但是,爱恩赛德说这是武装分子今年首次主动释放童子军。However, Ironside said this is the first time this year that a militia group has voluntarily handed over children from its ranks.

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爱恩赛德还说,经过激烈的谈判,才说服民兵停止招募童子军,获得这次释放。The release was only secured after intensive discussion to persuade the militias to stop drafting children into their armies, Ironside said.

这个豪华的建筑在甘蔗园中靠近海滩,是演员雷德蒙波尔的居所所在,他演过佩里梅森,勇敢的人等。This lush estate, in verdant sugar cane country and near a gorgeous beach, was the home of actor Raymond Burr, best known for his roles as "Perry Mason" and "Ironside."

刀锋战士拒绝投降,他们很快就做出反应。Slew传球找到了Ironside,这位射手巧射打进远角。The Blades refused to go down fighting and quickly reduced the deficit with Slew picking out Ironside and the striker's scuffed finish found the bottom corner of the net.

1919年,波斯北部被英国将军艾恩赛德占领,作为强迫土耳其停战的条件,协助马里逊将军牵制布尔什维克对北部的影响。In 1919 northern Persia was occupied by the British General Edmund Ironside to enforce the Turkish Armistice conditions and assist General Malleson contain Boshevik influences in the north.