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一种流行病突然开始流行。An epidemic broke out.

简直就是全球传染病。It's literally global epidemic.

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瘟疫威胁着这座城市。An epidemic threatened the city.

不如说是无知的流行。More like an epidemic of ignorance.

谂艾滋病就是一个例子。Thee AIDS epidemic offers an example.

那个地区突然发生了一场大瘟疫。A great epidemic burst forth in that area.

入店盗窃已经是个巨大并且越来越严重的问题。Shoplifting is a huge and rising epidemic.

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那么,我们正在面临愚蠢的蔓延吗?So are we facing an epidemic of stupidity?

艾滋病的流行让人们更加瞧不起男同性恋者。The AIDS epidemic further stigmatised gays.

我们正生活在一个流行选择的时代。We're living through an epidemic of choice.

谁是疫病流行的罪魁祸首?。Who is the Arch-criminal of Epidemic Disease?

这种流行病传播范围之广令人惊惶不安。The magnitude of the epidemic was frightening.

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在坦桑尼亚的艾滋病疫情趋于稳定!The AIDS epidemic in Tanzania is levelling off!

我过去也生活在在这种瘟疫肆虐的地区。I too used to live in the grip of this epidemic.

在这时疫流行期间学校都关闭了。All schools were closed down during the epidemic.

这种流行病最终导致了数以千计人的死亡。The epidemic eventuated in the deaths of thousands.

这些活动开始对该病的流行有所控制。These campaigns have begun to rein in the epidemic.

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有时战乱过后,病疫会随之而来。Sometimes epidemic disease follows right after a war.

自从SARS疫情以来,生意惨跌。Business has fallen off badly since the SARS epidemic.

你有意识到肥胖症在我国的流行程度吗?Are you aware of the epidemic of obesity in our country?