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斯巴达战鬼…?。Ghost of Sparta?

那鬼竟然是个色鬼!He was a ghost pervert!

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鬼知你系边个?。Ghost knows who you are?

鬼语者第一季全。Ghost Whisperer Season 1.

鬼语者第二季全。Ghost Whisperer Season 2.

鬼语者第三季全。Ghost Whisperer Season 3.

我的心原只是鬼荒之城。My heart is a ghost town.

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“鬼街”或鬼节。"Ghost street" or Guijie.

鬼魂喜欢夹心饼干吗?Does the ghost like Oreos?

灵魂不束缚你!Ghost unlaid forbear thee!

我要打扮成一个鬼。I'm dressing up as a ghost.

我正在装扮成一个鬼。I?m dressing up as a ghost.

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她象一个鬼一样削瘦。She's as skinny as a ghost.

游荡的鬼船远。The ghost ship wanders far.

捷克的鬼可能吼的是“baf”。A Czech ghost might say baf.

那个幽灵唱诗班就是最好的。The ghost choir is the best.

这个猛鬼不太猛。This ghost is not too scary.

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它没有鬼镇今天。And it's no ghost town today.

乃鬼灵之门也。But ghost of spirit door also.

久走夜路必撞鬼。Its always much walking ghost.