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直接抹脖子死了岂不干净?Directly put above nape to die no wash?

我的手搂着他的脖子,目光注视着他的颈背。My gaze fell to the nape of his neck where my hand is.

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她将长发在颈背处扎成一个蝴蝶结。She tied her long hair in a bow at the nape of her neck.

颈部略拱,逐渐变宽,与身体结合。Well arched, with nape of neck widening gradually toward body.

慢慢亲吻对方的同时,慢慢抚摸她/他的背,脖子.......Kiss slowly, touching his or her back and neck and nape —slowly.

头部全白,仅有一些局限于后颈的纤细纵纹。The head is whitish with some fine streaking restricted to nape.

慢慢的接吻,慢慢的抚摸她的背,脖子Kiss slowly, touching his or her back and neck and nape — slowly.

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先把头发弄卷,然后紧贴颈背开始编辫子,辫梢要乱一点,用定型产品的话,这个发型就毁了。Wave your hair first and start braiding very close to the nape of the neck.

整整一早上的牢骚、耳语,还有后脖颈上掐捏,这就是为什么。All-morning whines, whispers, and pinches to the nape of my neck, that’s why.

项针能明显改善椎-基底动脉的血液供应。Nape needle can obviously ameliorate blood supply of vertebra basilar artery.

昭洋的手,另一方面,他们紧握着周围的摄影师后颈。Akihiro's hands, on the other hand, were clasped around the photographers nape.

选择一个带沿的帽子。虽然棒球帽很时尚,但是却会暴露你的脖子。Put on a hat with a brim. Baseball caps may be more stylish but it exposes your nape.

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他靠近她,温热的呼吸细细萦绕在她颈项处。He closes to her, the inhalation warming up is small and soft to linger nigh in her nape.

他皮领的钮扣不在他颈后,而在他左耳上边。The buckle of his leather stock was under his left ear instead of at the nape of his neck.

对角线一直修剪到超过后区轮廓线,另外一侧用同样的方法。Cutting from radial line across the profile line at the nape. Do the same on the opposite side.

预先做好头发的处理以备修剪,找出自然分边以及联系头顶区中部和后颈的连接分区。Repare the hair for cutting , find the natural parting then connect to center crown a and nape.

目的观察推拿治疗哺乳性颈背疼痛症的临床疗效。Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of massage therapy for nape and back pain in lactation.

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雄性幼鸟的头、颈背及胸近烟褐色,但两翼、尾及尾上覆羽蓝色。Juvenile male has ashy brown head, nape and breast band but blue wings, tail and upper tail coverts.

目的探讨以项背部推拿为主综合治疗对青少年真性近视的疗效。Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of nape massage in the treatment of juvenile true myopia.

用尖尾梳从两耳上部向中间挑起脑顶的头发,与剩下的部分分为两个区,做出一个公主头,用发卡别住上面分好区的头发。Pin the parted hair between the middle of the ear and the nape of the neck with a bobby pin or hair clip.