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桃叶卫矛是优良的观赏树种。Hamilton euonymus is a good ornamental species.

红果说必然会找到季洁称心的衣服的。Euonymus said will find JiJie gratified clothes.

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听到红果说很喜欢特殊的凌桀,又被气走了。Hear euonymus said like special ling jie, and be gas go.

本来红果选的这串是凌莲本人做的。Originally euonymus chosen this string is LingLian I do.

红果画了几个彩蛋打算分别送给她的不同性格的朋友们。Euonymus drew a few eggs are going to give her the different nature of friends.

红果说窗帘也可以换,人人却又是一致对立。Euonymus said the curtain also can change, but everyone is consistent opposition.

对桃叶卫矛种子的发芽特性进行了研究。The germination characteristic of Euonymus bungeanus seeds was studied in this paper.

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红果想跟同事一同去安的服装秀,却被同事不客气的回绝。Euonymus want to work with together to Ann's fashion show, but by his welcome rebuffed.

凌桀要红果抬着电视,在门口正好碰到也刚买了电视的谢特殊。Ling jie to euonymus carried TV, at the door just met also just bought TV special thanks.

灌木层中,瘤枝卫矛与几种槭树的生态位宽度较大。In shrub layer, Euonymus pauciflorus and Acer ssp. had larger niche breadth than other species.

红果终于兴起勇气把本人的礼品送给了谢特殊,并问最终一次特殊可以抱本人吗。Euonymus finally rise up courage to gift I thanked, and asked finally special a special can carry himself?

这让谢特殊的妈妈想起了以前,想起了年青时分的她也曾听到过相似红果的话的人。This let thank special mother think of before, think of young titles she had heard similar euonymus words.

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红果偶尔听到同事们说发布会的事都怨红果,并但愿红果不要再呈现。Euonymus occasionally hear colleagues say the conference all hatred red fruits, and I wish euonymus don't appear.

编辑部里的人问红果认不认识他们的助理出版人,红果很肯定的说不认识。The editorial department asked euonymus know their assistant publisher, red fruits very affirmative saying don't know.

探讨了大叶黄杨叶绿素在不同光、热、氧条件下的稳定性。The stability of Chlorophyll in Euonymus japonica under different light, temperature and Oxygen conditions are studied.

红果去了,后果艾莲娜回绝承受红果的采访,缘由是红果不专业。Euonymus go to, the consequences of red fruits rebuffed Elena bear interview, reason is red fruits are not professional.

原来红果的灵感来自一个由于脸上有块胎记而没有同伴玩的小女孩。Andy Originally euonymus inspiration comes from a due to face a piece of moles and don't have a partner play of the little girl.

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胶东卫矛枝叶茂密,叶光亮,适应性强,现太原市园林绿化需求量大。The lush foliage, bright leaves, strong adaptability of Euonymus kiautschovicus Loes that is high demand in landscaping in Taiyuan.

红果的新喷鼻水上市的一百五十字的小段落红果写了二十五遍才算经过。The nasal spray water hybrid new listing of the one hundred and fifty cross short paragraphs euonymus wrote 25 times until it is after.

这时谢特殊过来找红果磋商任务上的事,看人人都在看电视,于是就提议说去他那边,红果很快乐的去了。Then come and find euonymus consultation special thanks, see task everyone in watching TV, so he suggested to him there, and red fruits very happy.