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栖在树枝上的红脚鲣鸟Red-Footed Booby on a Tree Branch

您可以放置一个诡雷在泰矿柱上。You can plant a Booby Trap on a Tiberium Spike.

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图为南非鲣鸟登陆。The picture shows the landing in South Africa Booby.

他们在小路上挖深沟设饵雷。They dug trenches in their path and set booby traps.

你不能把傻头傻脑的笨蛋改造成通情达理的人。You cannot improve a dull booby into a man of sense.

在第三次被发现之后,塔斯曼鲣鸟还能存活下来吗?Will the Tasman booby survive being discovered for the third time?

当诡雷进场时,说出一张基本地之外的牌名称。When Booby Trap comes into play, name a card other than a basic land.

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还有,为什么不装上这个致命而隐蔽的陷阱呢,地精朋友。And why not arm this deadly but well-hidden booby trap, goblin friend.

伪雷将在敌人试图占领该点时被触发。Booby traps are triggered by enemy units attempting to capture the point.

蓝色。这些独特的有蹼脚属于一个蓝色足呆子在加拉帕戈斯群岛。These distinctive webbed feet belong to a blue-footed booby of the Galápagos Islands.

于诡雷进场时,说出一个基本地之外的牌名,并选择一位对手。As Booby Trap comes into play, name a card other thana basic land card and choose an opponent.

欧洲大陆仍然布满着地雷、陷阱和我们必须认真对待的威胁。Our continent is still full of minefields, booby traps, and threats with which we must reckon.

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这些鲣鸟在那里度过了接下来的500年,直至西方水手来到这里重开盛宴。The booby lasted there another 500 years, until Western sailors came by and restarted the feast.

我是Bob,Field,今天由我来给大家讲课,其实跟Bawendi比,我的水平差远啦。I'm Bob Field, and I will be lecturing today as a special booby prize, because Bawendi is so wonderful.

或者,你可以试试我们的方法——在闹钟周围设置陷阱。Alternatively, you can try what we do and that is to booby trap the side table that the alarm clock is on.

和小悟空分头行动之后,小林和布尔玛必须独自面对海盗的重重机关和要命的蓝将军。Separated from Goku, Krillin and Bulma have must face the pirates' booby -traps and the deadly General Blue alone!

在模拟解救时,孔下士因为经验不足,触发了双重饵雷,导致行动失败。In a simulated rescue, corporal hole because of lack of experience, triggered the dual booby trap, cause the failure of action.

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在任何犯罪现场都必须假设还有其他机关,也就是所谓的第二炸弹或‘诡雷’。At any crime scene, you have to assume that there could be other devices there, what we would call secondary devices or booby traps.

另外我喜欢研究一些小的,与众不同的新鲜玩意儿像是自制捕兽夹之类的,这样就算我被缴了械也能有所作为。Plus I liked thinking up new, different, and innovative booby traps that could catch even those experienced in disarming techniques.

最后一只塔斯曼鲣鸟好像在18世纪末就已经被吃掉了,因而近几十年来,人们也都以为该物种已经绝迹。By the end of the 18th century, it appeared that the very last Tasman booby had been consumed, and the species has been assumed extinct for decades.