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你在萨克拉门托的时候还有Shiloh浸信会。And you had Shiloh Baptist when you were in Sacramento.

当我赶到夏洛城门的时候,我看见以利已经死了。I went back to the gate of Shiloh and there, I sawEli, dead.

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那种房子太吵,我想给我的小狗施罗弄个小院子。It was too noisy and I wanted a backyard for my dog, Shiloh.

凡到示罗来的以色列人,他们都是这样对待。Thus they did in Shiloh to all the Israelites who came there.

凡到示罗来的以色列人,他们都是这样对待。This is how they treated all the Israelites who came to Shiloh.

耶罗波安的妻就这样行、起身往示罗去、到了亚希雅的家。So Jeroboam's wife did what he said and went to Ahijah's house in Shiloh.

而我们一家,和Shiloh浸信会教堂是分不开的。But that family, the West family is inseparable from Shiloh Baptist Church.

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婴儿什洛在杜莎夫人蜡像馆得到了与她著名的父母同样的荣耀。Baby Shiloh received the same honor as her famous parents at Madame Tussaud's.

示罗的名意是「平安」和「休息」的意思,是雅各为将来的弥赛亚所起的名字。Shiloh means 'peace' or 'rest'. It was the name given by Jacob to the coming Messiah.

我要在示罗这里,耶和华面前,为你们拈阄。Then return to me, and I will cast lots for you here at Shiloh in the presence of the LORD.

如今,全民都聚集在示罗,会幕将成为他们的敬拜中心。Now it seemed they could settle down with Shiloh and the Tabernacle as their spiritual centre.

战斗一结束,就有一个从阵上逃跑回来的士兵来到士罗报告消息。As soon as the battle was over, a soldier escaped and ran to Shiloh to tell the news of the battle.

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由于想和爱女亲近,安吉莉娜倒是乐于忍受这些不眠之夜。Angelina is said to be happy to put up with the sleepless nights because she wants to be near Shiloh.

“布拉安吉丽娜”夫妇和小女儿夏洛伊的一张照片高居“全世界最昂贵的名人照”排行之首。A 'BRANGELINA' photo with baby Shiloh has topped the list of the most expensive celebrity photos in the world.

由于会幕从以法莲迁移到示罗,示罗遂成为以色列的敬拜中心。With the moving of the tabernacle to the territory of Ephraim, Shiloh becomes the new center of Israel's worship.

只有两个月大,什洛-茱莉-皮特已经加入最被追逐的名人之列。Shiloh Jolie-Pitt has already joined the ranks of the most sought after celebrities and she is only two months old.

一日耶罗波安出了耶路撒冷、示罗人先知亚希雅在路上遇见他.亚希雅身上穿著一件新衣、他们二人在田野、以外并无别人。About that time Jeroboam was going out of Jerusalem, and Ahijah the prophet of Shiloh met him on the way, wearing a new cloak.

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2006年初,朱莉和皮特宣布他们将要生养一个孩子,同年5月朱莉生下女儿希洛。Jolie and Pitt announced in early 2006 that they would have a child together, and Jolie gave birth to her daughter Shiloh that May.

所罗门就革除亚比亚他,不许他作耶和华的祭司。这样,便应验耶和华在示罗论以利家所说的话。So Solomon removed Abiathar from the priesthood of the Lord , fulfilling the word the Lord had spoken at Shiloh about the house of Eli.

以色列的全会众都聚集在示罗,把会幕设立在那里,那地已经被他们制伏了。The whole assembly of the Israelites gathered at Shiloh and set up the Tent of Meeting there. The country was brought under their control