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他发现那位老人正等着他。He fount the old man waiting for him.

我们终于找到办法解决问题了。We fount a way _to_ _slove_ the _problem_ in the end.

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它是我们的审美趣味和利他理想的源泉。It is the fount of our artistic and altruistic ideals.

在这些地方都找不到伟大诗歌的源泉。That's not where you find the fount of the great poem.

诗歌灵感的源泉并不在档案馆里。The fount of poetic inspiration is not to be found in an archive.

她的演说对于听众来说永远是灵感之源。Her speeches have ever been a fount of inspiration to her audiences.

你与我漂浮在河流之上,正因为我们都来自相同的源泉。You and I have floated here on the stream that brings from the fount.

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一眼浸润我们每个人血管的无尽的力量之泉。A sacred fount of untold power, it saturated every fiber of our being.

太阳井将在不久的将来再次发挥光芒,但是会带来承诺还是毁灭,我们只有拭目以待。Soon the Sunwell will shine once again, but whether the sacred fount will usher in deliverance or destruction remains to be seen.

母亲从来就是现在这个模样,是一根力量的支柱,一个智慧的源泉,一位对任何问题都能够解答的人。Mother had always been just as she was, a pillar of strength, a fount of wisdom, the one person who knew the answers to everything.

后记码字特别用后记码编写的一套字体,可应用于后记码兼容的印字机或影排机上。Postscript fount A fount specially written in PostScript code which can be used in a PostScript-compatible printer or image-setter.

朝鲜人坚信,他们有高句丽的血统。而且许多朝鲜人也坚持说白头山圣地是他们文化及传说的来源。Koreans have an unshakable belief in their bloodlines , and most insist that holy Mount Paektu is the fount of their culture and myth.

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其中奶头山期碱性玄武岩中含有幔源的尖晶石二辉橄榄岩包体和辉石岩包体。A lot of enclaves named spinel lherzolite and pyroxenite derived from the mantle were fount in alkali basalt of Miocene Naitoushan period.

但这种繁荣景象现在被蒙上了一层阴影,因曾被视为赚钱机器的股市已经从去年的顶点跌至一半。But the boom is now sowing doubts in a country where the stock market, which once seemed a guaranteed fount of money, has shed half its value from last year's peak.

只有网格步长足够小也就是环境参数很详细时,云模型和数据场计算的结合才能充分发挥特色。According to the different step size it is fount that field calculation results is no different from the results without the use of cloud model when grid step size too rough.

这所大学是以色列右派政治教学的发源地,在这个舞台上进行的这场演讲代表着动荡时期的一次重大转变。Bar-Ilan University is the fount of the right-wing political teaching in Israel, who is the stage for a speech that offer one important shift made in otherwise heavy show of movability.

崇敬水的习俗中,包括保护水源,崇尚泉水,保持水系净澈以及关于水的禁忌等习俗。In customs of water reverence part, the author analyses the cultural connotation of protecting water resources customs, adoring fount water customs, the water cleaning customs, and the water taboo.