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这是教材Here is the textbook.

我去拿我的课本。I'm fetching my textbook.

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些内容在你们的教科书上也有。Here is from your textbook.

这是一本英语教材。This is an English textbook.

他把课本扔给我。He tossed the textbook to me.

我喜欢北外的教材。I love the textbook of Beiwai.

我不知把英语课本丢在哪儿了。I mislaid my English textbook.

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我们都一起念课本。We all read textbook together.

现在,它的教科书和表演。Now, it's textbook and playacting.

这本教科书共有25课。This textbook contains 25 lessons.

此书预定作教科书用。This book is designed as a textbook.

这是一本有精美插图的教科书。This is a well-illustrated textbook.

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阅读课本第一章到第五章。Read chapters 1 to 5 of the textbook.

这话是从那本教科书中摘录下来的。This sentence fell from that textbook.

你可以在任意一本教科书中找到论文主题。You can find subjects in any textbook.

我听见他在隔壁朗读课文。I heard him reading textbook next door.

课本上也有This is given for you in your textbook.

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5个孩子合用一本课本。Every five children shared one textbook.

他的功勋彪炳,值得在教科书里大写特写。He's worth three chapters in a textbook.

特朗普几乎是教科书式的煽动家。Mr Trump is almost a textbook demagogue.