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过关率的下降在整个州内都广泛存在。The falloff in passing rates occurred statewide.

参议员经各州偶数年举行的选举产生。Senators are chosen in statewide elections held in even-numbered years.

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今天,林登实验室宣布了第一个州级虚拟教学环境。Today Linden announced the first statewide roll out of a virtual learning environment.

在上个月召开的一次州级大会上,安玛丽被授予一枚荣誉奖章。At a statewide convention last month, they presented Ann-Marie with the Medal of Honor.

参议员是州选民的代表,因此参议员选举在全州举行。Senators are chosen in statewide elections and represent all residents of their states.

在接下来的十年里,全州范围内注册黑人选民数量翻了不止十番。And in the coming decades, registration of black voters statewide would increase more than tenfold.

当地章塞拉俱乐部发表了支持,而州章中立。The local chapter of the Sierra Club has voiced support, while the statewide chapter has been neutral.

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不管现在奥勒冈州的状况,大学区本来就已经有财务上的问题。And the large districts have been having fiscal problems for longer than the current statewide problems.

另外,加利福尼亚最近还制定法律,要求2015年之前达到在全州范围内只销售散养鸡蛋。Additionally, California recently enacted a law requiring that all whole eggs sold statewide be cage-free by 2015.

Reilly称,当他20世纪90年代在职时,他推动各州制定自己遍及全州的标准。Mr. Reilly says when he served in the nineteen nineties, he pushed states to develop their own statewide standards.

以巴尔的摩脑疾研究项目为例,它的成功反映出了马里兰州先进的的州际EMS网络。The success of Baltimore's brain-attack program, for example, reflects the advanced statewide EMS network in Maryland.

切克沙镇警长乔·西森,警察哈罗德·库库,他们听到对别克车的全州警报,正等着拦截它。Joe Sisson, Chickasha police chief, and Officer Harold Kuku had heard the statewide alarm for the Buick and were waiting for it.

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预计监督委员会将就一项动议进行投票,在全州实行塑料袋购物袋收费制。Los Angeles is expected to vote shortly on a motion calling on California to implement a statewide fee on plastic shopping bags.

印第安纳在2006年恢复执行全州统一的夏时制,但仍然是东时区和中央时区各有郡县。Indiana resumed observing daylight saving on a statewide basis in 2006, but it still has counties in both Eastern and Central Time.

最近一季全州范围的城市猎鹿刚刚结束,密苏里自然保护局公布杀死了1200余只。In the recently-completed statewide urban deer hunting season Missouri’s Department of Conservation reported more than 1, 200 kills.

密歇根曾经禁止猎捕哀鸠,后来重新开放了一个季节,经过全州公民投票后再次禁猎。In Michigan the hunting of mourning doves was banned, reinstated for a single season, then banned again after a statewide referendum.

该理论通过引用全国性的教会成员数据和关于个人出席教堂频率的调查数据进行了经验型检验。The theory is empirically tested using statewide church-membership data and survey data on individuals' frequency of church attendance.

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热带风暴黛比袭击美国佛罗里达州,造成局部地区爆发洪灾,佛州州长宣布全州进入紧急状态。Tropical Storm Debby has drenched the US state of Florida, bringing flooding to parts and leading the governor to declare a statewide emergency.

非常高兴得知你在比赛中获得二等奖。知道你在州级范围的比赛中进入优秀者的行列,感觉一定好极了。I was delighted to hear that you won second prize in the contest. It must feel good to know that you ranked among the best in a statewide contest.

两年任期后,她获得全州提名,参选副州长,以2000票之差落选。After two terms in office, she earned statewide recognition by pursuing the nomination for lieutenant governor — which she lost by only 2, 000 votes.