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你真是天降福星。You are a godsend.

似乎是上帝派他们来的,他们也的确是上帝派来的。They may seem like a godsend to you, and they are.

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对于这位72岁的演员,卡林的书不啻是个天赐良机。Carlin's book came as a godsend to the 72-year-old actor.

对于像我这样的技术作者,这听起来好似天籁。For technical authors like myself, this sounds like a godsend.

最近银行存款准备金的下调也是一个好消息。And the recent lowering of bank reserve requirements is a godsend.

对于奥巴马来说,共和党态度软化的迹象乃天赐良机。For Barack Obama, these signs of Republican softening are a godsend.

希曼说,她认为软陶就是天赐之物。All things considered, however, she believes polymer clay has been a godsend.

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这时宠物是上帝给他们的恩赐,对我们爱动物的人来说,所有的宠物都是天使。Pets can be a godsend for them, just as they are for all of us animal lovers.

不过,对于西方世界来说,他也是一个另类的天赐之物,他使得这个世界变得简单明了。But he was also in a strange way a godsend to the west. He simplified the world.

他姥爷、元世祖忽必烈发明的纸币在中国可谓是天赐之物。Invented by his boss, Kublai Khan, back in China the idea of paper money was a godsend.

互联网的出现对于处于异地关系的人们简直是天赐之物。The evolution of the Internet is godsend for people who are in long distance relationships.

但是对于斯莫林、菲尔琼斯和埃文斯来说,这是上天赐给他们的机会。But with Chris Smalling, Jonny Evans and Phil Jones here, it's a godsend to be honest with you.

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对于那些因残疾或疾病而足不出户的人来说,互联网可也以称得上是一种上帝的恩赐。For people who are housebound because of disabilities or illness, the Web can also be a godsend.

这个产品是天赐之物,我长唇疱疹20多年了,从来没有一个产品能这么快速地清除。This product is a godsend. I have had cold sores for 20 years and have never had a product clear it so quickly.

这样的氛围之下,投资银行胡乱拼凑的按揭证券看着像是天上掉下的馅饼。Under those circumstances, the mortgage-backed securities cobbled together by investment banks looked like a godsend.

北京奥运会是这些团体个人磨拳擦掌,试图捣乱的天赐良机。The Beijing Olympics is a godsend for these groups because it affords them the opportunity to disrupt the torch relay.

护士以及其他需要长久站立工作的人也把这种便宜又容易清洗的鞋子当作恩物。Nurses and other workers who have to spend long hours standing have found the affordable, easy-to-clean shoes a godsend.

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我不知道这个2D眼镜是否能像它声称的样子将3D电影转变成2D的,但是如果它们真的工作的话那真是上帝派来解救我的。I have no idea if these 2D glasses -- which purport to convert 3D movies to 2D -- work, but they'd be a godsend for me if they did.

在卡托凯林的卧室外面发现一只带血的手套的LAPD官员证明是支持被告方腐败警察理论的天赐之物。The LAPD officer who found a bloody glove outside Kato Kaelin's bedroom turned out to be a godsend for the defense's corrupt-police theory.

对于非洲五百万疟疾患者,数万亚洲农民和许许多多药厂来说,这是天使的礼物。It is a godsend for half a billion malaria patients in Africa, tens of thousands of farmers in Asian countries and a range of drug companies.