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西方又一个有偏见的观点。A jaundiced POV from the biased Occident.

她因为黄疸而难看的面色来了又去。Her bad — jaundiced — color comes and goes.

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黄胆病人的眼睛里,什么都是黄的。To the jaundiced eye , all things look yellow.

她的社会地位使她对事情有偏见。Her social position jaundiced his view of things.

杰克对所有这些现代观念都抱有相当偏颇的看法。Jack has rather jaundiced opinions about all these modern ideas.

他有发烧和黄疸的症状,但是并没有吐血或血便的症状。He was febrile and jaundiced. However, no hematemesis or melena was noted.

临床表现符合急性黄疸型肝炎,病情轻,无重症和死亡病例。Clinical manifestation was mild acute jaundiced hepatitis without serious cases and death.

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王先生认为许多老中对自己同胞怀有找麻烦的心态。Mr. Wang feels that many Chinese people look with a jaundiced eye on other fellow Chinese.

正如这个简要的概括可能提示的,现实主义对这个世界有着一种极力反乌托邦的偏颇看法。As this summary might suggest, realism has a rather dystopian and jaundiced view of the world.

体格检查表明该患者有黄疸及轻微上腹触痛。Physical examination confirmed that the patient was jaundiced and had mild epigastric tenderness.

因为苏不喜欢卡洛琳,她用友视的目光看着卡洛琳的画,称这些画乱七八糟的的涂抹。Because Sue disliked Carolyn, she looked at Carolyn's paintings with a jaundiced eye, calling them formless smears.

我们中许多做临床工作和受过临床培训的人对事情将如何发生持有偏见。Many of us who do clinical work and are clinically trained had a bit more of a jaundiced view of how things may turn out.

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结论强力宁、门冬氨酸钾镁配伍治疗急性黄疸型肝炎疗效显著。CONCLUSION Potassium magnesium aspartate plus potenlini has a remarkable therapeutic effect for acute jaundiced hepatitis.

这位即将就职的总统看来很清楚,许多美国选民对贸易心怀偏见,即使他自己并未流露这样的态度.The incoming president has shown he is aware of the jaundiced view many U.S. voters have of trade, even if he does not share it himself.

在胰腺癌胆总管梗阻中,在黄疸患者中出现可触及的胆囊被称为Courvoisier征。In pancreatic carcinoma with common bile duct obstruction, the presence of the palpable gallbladder in the jaundiced patient is known as Courvoisier's sign.

然而,研究结果显示阻塞性黄疸患者的动脉压力感受反射功能明显削弱。However, our study demonstrated that arterial baroreflex compensatory mechanisms in jaundiced patients are attenuated in comparison with relatively healthy controls.

他没有能力反抗人身攻击和无端指责,这使得有偏见的媒体越发肆无忌惮地发布虚假的言论。He was unable to deflect attacks of character and baseless accusations, which made the spurious claims adhere all the more strongly in the jaundiced eyes of the media.

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依次类推,婚姻研究经常需要在收容被打妻子的庇护所中进行,人们可能不久会形成对婚姻的陈见。By analogy, if studies of marriage were frequently conducted at shelters for battered wives, people would probably soon develop a more jaundiced view of marriage as well.

该项研究的报告称,人们对需求的看法是带有偏见的,因此他们会“避开流行度迅速上升的与身份有关的事物,因为他们认为这些事物是短命的。”People look at trends with a jaundiced eye, the report states, so they "avoid identity-relevant items with sharply increasing popularity because they believe that they will be short lived."

我们的目标是确定这个无症状的泌尿道感染的发病率,历史和试验室的数据证实8周岁以前黄疸的婴儿是与泌尿道感染有关联的。Our goal was to determine the incidence of UTIs in asymptomatic, jaundiced infants younger than 8 weeks old and to determine which historical and laboratory parameters are associated with UTIs.