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也会随机的添加阴影。Also optionally add drop-shadows.

您可以随意地用不同的名称存储它。You can optionally save it with a different name.

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任选地,所述烯烃石脑油含低含量的酸。Optionally the olefinic naphtha has a low content of acids.

可以禁止未注册的用户发表评论。You can optionally close comments for non-registered users.

按下的按键会显示在主控台视窗中。The pressed key is optionally displayed in the console window.

返回两个集合的并集,可以选择保留重复项。Returns the union of two sets, optionally retaining duplicates.

还要注意,如何通过一条新规则,随意检测数字。Note also how numbers are optionally detected through a new rule.

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产品名及公司名可以使用多种色彩随意印刷。The names of products and companies can be optionally printed in colors.

此时,只需要锁定映像就可以将其设置为只读。At this point, you can optionally make the image read-only by locking it.

在稍后的第10、17和18章中,我们会用这种办法来调用可选模块。Later in Chapters 10 17 and 18 we'll use this to optionally load modules.

除主机和连接盒以外的各项是选购件。Items except the main unit and the connection box are optionally available.

可供选择的房间内有两张床、一张桌、一个炉灶和若干设备。Optionally there are a couple of beds, a table, an oven and some equipment.

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该组合物还可任选地包含一种或多种短链醇。The composition may optionally also comprise one or more short-chain alcohols.

这种软件被随意地作为提供音频和视频的多点传送的工具。The software optionally makes use of multicast tools to provide audio and video.

这将创建一个新的.aspx页面,我们可以设置这个文件与Site。This will create a new . aspx page that we can optionally associate with our Site.

Zoe回复并有选择性的在他的回复当中包含原始消息的一部分。Zoe replies and optionally includes a copy of the original message in her response.

这些多肽任选与肺炎球菌糖联用。These polypeptides may optionally be used in combination with pneumococcal saccharides.

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孔子对仁只是因人而宜、随机指点,从没有做过概念性的说明。Confucius never gives Benevolence a notional definition who always explains it optionally.

如果是调用活动或人工任务活动,则可以有选择地提供输入数据。If it is an invoke activity or human task activity, input data can be optionally provided.

通过触摸与Squeak桌面的交互,你也可以选择保存映像。You then touch interact with the Squeak desktop, and yes optionally you can save an image.