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丹中尉!Lieutenant Dan!

晚上好,中尉。Good evening, Lieutenant.

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现在你是我的副将了。Now art thou my lieutenant.

我该是丹泰勒中尉。I was Lieutenant Dan Taylor.

他被晋升为陆军中尉。He was preferred to lieutenant.

丹中尉说我是个疯子。Lieutenant Dan said I was nuts.

丹中尉,科曼死了!Lieutenant Dan, Coleman's dead!

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索伯中尉恨我们,长官。Lieutenant Sobel hates us, sir.

约翰森中尉是我的父亲。Lieutenant Johnson was my father.

伊阿古我也这样希望,副将。Iago. And so do I too, lieutenant.

但是中尉没有听到他说的话。But the lieutenant did not hear him.

丹中尉,你来做什么?Lieutenant Dan, what are you doing here?

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乌利中尉一诺千金地回答。Uli lieutenant answered as well as gold.

海军上尉站在士兵的面前。The lieutenant stood ahead of the troops.

蒙特哥摩利中尉是个不错的测量员。Lieutenant Montgomerie was a good surveyor.

“干掉一个碉堡,”炮兵中尉说。Scratch one pillbox, " the lieutenant said."

可是你没有脚了,丹中尉。Well, you ain't got no legs. Lieutenant Dan!

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他被提升为陆军中尉。He was promoted to be a lieutenant in the army.

你在纽约做什么,丹中尉?What do you do here in New York, Lieutenant Dan?

死后会掉落一件强兽人中尉制服。Will drop one Uruk Lieutenant uniform when slain.