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本文共分两部分。In two parts, hereunder.

在接下来的帖子里面,将介绍面包树相关知识。Hereunder something regarding the tree will be presented.

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我已读此协议并理解以下我的责任。I have read this agreement and understand my obligations hereunder.

应立即通知本公司下述代理人查勘。For Survey must be given to the Company's Agent as mentioned hereunder.

担保人在本担保书项下承担的义务均应是连带的。All of the obligations of the Guarantor hereunder shall be joint several.

人生在世,俯仰之间,自当追求卓越,但有尽其所能。Life, pitch between, pursuit of excellence, but have hereunder to do the best possible.

任何一方不履行其在本协议下的权利不应被视为弃权。No failure by either party to enforce any rights hereunder shall be construed a waiver.

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本合同规定的所有其他义务及其履行时间则不应受影响。All other obligations hereunder and the time for performance thereof shall not be affected.

透露方保证其具有法定的权力透露下文的信息和试验材料。DISCLOSER warrants that it has the legal right to disclose INFORMATION and TEST MATERIAL hereunder.

本合同的保险费由投保人在投保时一次交清。The premium hereunder shall be paid in a lump sum by the Applicant upon execution of this Contract.

任何一方未能或延迟行使本合同之任何权利不应视为该方放弃其权利。No failure or delay in exercising any right hereunder shall be deemed a waiver thereof by any party.

以下授予代理的权力是不可转让的,不应转让给任何其它方。The rights granted hereunder to IB are not assignable , and shall not be assigned, to any other party.

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ITW在收到无争议的票据后45日内支付所购买产品的款项。ITW shall pay for all Products purchased hereunder within 45 days after receipt of an undisputed invoice.

本章程与其后发布之各项细则与规定均需受瑞士法律所管辖。The laws of Switzerland shall govern these Statutes and all by-laws and regulations promulgated hereunder.

不损害在在下面的其它粮食下可提供的拥有人的任何权利和治疗法。Without prejudice to any of Owner's rights and remedies available under the other provisions of hereunder.

未立即发出书面通知的,不免除赔偿方在本协议项下的责任。Failure to give prompt written notice shall not release the indemnifying party from its obligations hereunder.

任何一方当事人所发之通知应以书面为之,并经送达他方当事人始生效力。Any notice given hereunder shall be effective only when it is made in writing and delivered to the other Party.

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承包商在完成下述工作和劳务时必须履行其全部责任和义务。The Contractor shall fulfill all of its duties and obligations in carrying out its work and services hereunder.

任何一方不履行或不完全履行本协议所约定义务的,应当依法承担违约责任。Either party who fails to perform or under-performs their obligations hereunder will be liable for breach of contract.

上述有关共同海损的规定应订入根据本租船合同签发的所有提单。Provisions as to General Average in accordance with the above are to be included in all bills of lading issued hereunder.