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喜马拉雅山脉农家,卡林,不丹,1989。Himalayan Farm House, Khaling, Bhutan, 1989

某种金丝燕,大概是短嘴金丝燕。Some kind of swiftlet, presumably Himalayan.

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印度北部也靠喜马拉雅的雪来滋润。North India lives off Himalayan snows as well.

这些都是喜马拉雅古海的踪迹。These are all traces of the ancient Himalayan Sea.

喜玛拉雅山的冰川正在融化。The glaciers are melting in the Himalayan Mountains.

喜玛拉雅西南矗,乌苏里江东北边。Himalayan Southwest Chu, Ussuri River north-east side.

其主成藏期为海西晚期和喜马拉雅晚期。The main accumulation stages are late Hercynian and Himalayan.

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2006年起,法律禁止猎杀在喜马拉雅熊栖息地猎杀熊。Since 2006 it has been illegal to hunt Himalayan bears in a lair.

龙门山中央断裂运动的时代跨越了印支期到喜马拉雅期。The time of movements is from the Indo-Sinian to the Himalayan period.

它是由喜马拉雅的地质构造和季风体系联合造成的。It is caused by Himalayan geotectonics coupled with the monsoon regime.

另一个例子是喜玛拉雅山顶上发现了海底的贝壳沉积层。Another example is the Himalayan peak on the sea shells found in sediments.

在山涧河流的下游,喜玛拉雅马西亚鱼正在聚集。In the lower reaches of the mountain river, Himalayan mahseer are gathering.

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ICIMOD的研究揭示出了喜马拉雅冰川的哪些行为?What do ICIMOD studies reveal about the behaviour of the Himalayan glaciers?

飞来峰的母体为宝兴杂岩体及其盖层,其成因为重力滑覆,形成时期为喜马拉雅期。It formed in Himalayan stage and the cause of its formation is gravity gliding.

在亚洲巍峨的喜马拉雅山,不丹王国仍然是独立的。High in the Himalayan mountains of Asia, thekingdom of Bhutan remained separate.

是保护尼泊尔经典和民谣的尝试。THE HIMALAYAN LORES In an attempt to preserve the Nepali classic and folk music.

现在已有证据表明为亚洲许多地区供水的喜玛拉雅冰川正在融化。There is evidence of melt in Himalayan glaciers, water resources for much of Asia.

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王冠丽警告不断缩小的喜玛拉亚冰川可能会带来灾难性后果。Guanli Wang warns of catastrophic results as Himalayan glaciers continue to shrink.

对青藏高原喜马拉雅旱獭的肾、输尿管、膀胱和尿道进行了组织学观察。Histology of kidney, ureter, bladder and urethra in himalayan marmot were observed.

与中国的联络长久以来都被北部3万英尺高的喜马拉雅山脉所阻。Contact with China was long impeded by the 30,000-foot Himalayan peaks to the north.